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Note: there's a lot of religious talk in this chapter please do not trash ANY religion/beliefs (including mine) if you agree with my beliefs, cool you do you man if you don't, cool you do you man
I'm not trying to shove my religion in your face btw it's just I'm most familiar with beliefs in God and heaven and hell etc. and I don't know about other faiths as much so it'd be harder for me to write about it

I'm a dandelion in a bed of roses

E L O U I S E walked around the house alone since all the guys were out "visiting" their friends and family. This was always her least favorite time because she's alone for a day and has nothing to do. "Without all your body guards, huh?" I chuckle making her turn around with wide eyes and a frown on her lips.

"You shouldn't have come," she retorts in a monotone voice making me laugh.
"Oh darling, it's not like you could've protected them anyway. My boss needs some more souls to do his dirty work. These boys are the perfect workers. Lucifer will be proud when I bring them down to hell. They'll like it much better than heaven," I cackle knowing she can't stop me. I've been watching her and all the boys, and I know she's grown attached to them. I can't believe she never noticed me until now. "The big guy doesn't care either because he's been accepting so many people, apparently heaven is overflowing." (I don't believe that heaven will "overflow")

   "How do you know? You're not allowed up there, demon," she spits.
   "Because, every villain has his tricks, and since I'm the villain, I have them all."
   "You know, I feel sorry for you. Just because you didn't have the choice of becoming a demon, doesn't mean you still have to be one," she says in a smarty-pants tone.

   "Oh honey, I was fucked in the beginning. Even after I've died as many times I have," a beeping sound interrupts us and I look down seeing the screen turn orange. "Gotta run, Josh is calling," I laugh knowing that every minute they spend with me around means they're one step closer from going to hell.

I'm going to get paid good tonight

Next update: hoping for this Friday (the 6th) if not it won't be until next month because I NEED TO STUDY FOR FINALS srsly though I'm going to delete this app until after finals (at least I didn't leave off on a cliffhanger 😂)

how does it feel finding out all this time it's been (kind of) first-person omniscient???

I've been developing this idea of a antagonist for awhile now and I think I got a good start with it :)

predictions? I like to know if I'm being too obvious 😂 (I'm not going to confirm any)

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