Chapter 1

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Ex-Princess of Anarchy

Scarlett Virginia pulled into her parents' old driveway and turned her car off. She took a deep breath and opened her car door. This was the last thing she wanted to do on her vacation. She knew she needed to be here to help her mom while her father was in the hospital, but Charming was the last place in the world she wanted to be, even if it was just for a week.

"Scar, is that you?" She heard her mom call from the door.

"Yes mom," She responded getting out of her car and walking around it to her trunk. "When is she going to stop calling me Scar?" she thought to herself as she pulled her suitcase and her backpack from the trunk.

"Scarlett?" she heard from the next door neighbor's. Scarlett groaned and turned towards the door.

"Morning, Gemma. Nice to see that you still live next door," Scarlett said with a smirk before turning to close her trunk.

"How long are you staying?" Gemma said walking towards her.

"Only for the week, I am on break and need to be back to school by Monday," she responded lifting the handle on her luggage to roll it into the house.

"Do you need any help with that? Jax is inside," Gemma started.

"No, I am ok. And I would honestly prefer it if no one knew I was here yet. I want to settle in and go see my father," she responded hastily cutting Gemma off.

"Ok. Well we will all be at TM if you guys need anything. Tell your mother I am having a family dinner tonight if you two would like to come," Gemma said before getting into her Cadillac.

Scarlett rolled her eyes and walked up the steps of the front porch.

"What did Gemma want?" her mother asked.

"To invite us over for family dinner," she responded walking past her mom and back to her old room.

"Well that was nice of her. It will give you a chance to see everyone and we don't have to worry about food tonight," her mom called after her.

"Mom, I did not come back here for a reunion. I came here to help you and to see dad. I don't have time for a reunion. I have several papers due on Monday," she responded walking back out towards the living room.

"Well, you can bring your work to the hospital and we can go straight to Gemma's from there. Who knows, we may see them at the hospital," her mom said walking into the kitchen.

"Why would we see them at the hospital? Is everyone alright?" Scarlett asked trying to hide the concern in her voice.

"Everyone is fine. Jax's son was born premature and they have been spending a lot of time there," her mom said nonchalantly.

"I didn't know Jax was having a kid," she responded to her mom, trying to hide the trace of hurt in her voice. "Of course he moved on Scar. Did you expect him to wait forever for you?" She said to herself.

"Yea, he is divorcing the mother though. She is a junkie, almost killed Abel. He is such a strong little boy. Just like his father," her mom said from the kitchen.

"Was he born with," Scar started.

"The family flaw?" her mom finished her sentence. "Yes he was. They fixed him up though. He has to stay in for a little bit though," her mom said reappearing. "Why don't you go get ready to go see your dad? I know you. You aren't going anywhere public in sweat pants and a t-shirt," her mom said laughing.

"You would be correct. I will be right out," she said running back to her room. She grabbed her suitcase and threw it on the bed. She went through her clothes looking for something to wear. She was use to cooler weather at college, so she needed to find some of her warm weather clothing. Finally she gave up the search in her suit case and went over to her old closet.

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