It Ends Tonight

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"When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight."


Have you ever been so out of control that you could barely see straight? I have. It's probably a lot more times than I would like to admit. You could say that I "stumbled" into quite a few problems my senior year. Those problems include alchohol and lots of it. That's why I'm all alone now. Not only have my friends abandoned me but my family as well. Not like there was much left of it anyway.

My family's always been a bit disfunctional. My dad came and went as he pleased and my mom was always off working two different jobs so we could keep the house. The only person who was always there for me was my sister Nicole, or Nikki as we liked to call her but of course I ruined that relationship also. I didn't just ruin that relationship though. I ruined her life...well ended it I suppose. Before you go off and judge me. You might as well hear the full story on what happened that Halloween night two years ago.


By the time that Nikki and I had gotten to the party it was in full swing. There was loud music, plenty of booze, and Halloween costumes. I tried to get as far away from her as possible since we weren't getting along lately especially after she ratted me out to her mom about my small liquor collection that I had in my mini fridge in my room. She was always the golden child. No matter what I did I could never please my mom. So eventually I just gave up completely.

"Meet me back here in like two hours Skyelynn!" She said while I was still in ear shot. I rolled my eyes and continued making my way through all of the people that surrounded me. I looked around hoping to see the one person I came to see, Zach Porter. 

Zach Porter is my best friend and boyfriend. We've only been together for four months but it seems like so much longer. Pretty cliche right? It's the only way I can describe our relationship. We're completely comfortable around eachother and we can tell eachother anything. Well, we use to anyway. Lately he's been on my ass all the time. He wont shut up about my drinking. Doesn't he know it's just for fun? It's not like anything bad is going to happen.

I went over to the nearest keg and filled my plastic red cub with beer. I brought it to my lips and took a swig. 

"Drinking already?" I turned around and saw Zach standing next to me. His hair was dark brown and wavy. His eyes were a brilliant shade of blue. He looked adorable in his costume as a knight. We decided that we would match our costumes. I was a princess and he was my knight in shining armor. I'm just a walking cliche aren't I?

"I had to loosen up a bit!" I threw my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You know I don't like when you drink Skye."

"Don't be such a baby! It's one little drink." Zach sighed. I knew that there was going to be more to this conversation later. Once Zach had his mind set on something he never gave up. "Where's Cameron and Michael?" 

"Around. I thought we should spend some time together." I smiled and chugged the rest of my beer.

"We should. Right after I get another beer." I walked right back over to the keg and poured myself some more. 

I could feel Zach's eyes on me the entire time I was pouring myself another beer. I knew he was going to be annoyed with me but he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he first entered this relationship. He can't change who I am.

I could feel someone gently tapping me on my shoulder. I bit my lip and turned around expecting to see Zach but instead I saw Cameron who was dressed in a jedi night costume. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair and smiled.

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