Wouldn't Change A Thing

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"It's like, he doesn't hear a word I say. His mind is somewhere far away and I don't know how to get there."


Images of the Halloween party kept flashing in my mind. The parts I could remember at least. I can't even begin to imagine the stuff that I forgot. No one bothered to tell me and I probably wont ever know. I remember when Nikki and I walked in and went our separate ways. If only I had been the big sister my dad always told me to be. I should've just watched out for her but I only cared about myself. I didn't think twice about Nikki that entire night until I woke up hours after the car accident had happened.

I often think about the things that I could change and everything that I wish I could change happened the night at that party. I wish I never got so drunk that I couldn't see straight. I wish I kept a closer eye on my sister. I wish she was never attacked. I wish I didn't take my friends for granted. I wish I never got into that car.

One drink set everything into motion. If I realized what was going on then none of this would've happened. None of us would be in the situation we are in right now. Nikki would be here. My parents wouldn't be mourning their youngest child. My mom wouldn't have kicked me out. Michael would still have the girl who meant the world to him(unless they broke up or something...awkward). Cameron, Ariana, and I would still be incredibly close. Zach and I would probably still be together. 

Life is like dominos. One gets knocked down and then everything else falls with it. So, next time think about what you're going to do before you do it. You never know who you might save.


I had to blink a couple of times to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me. 

"No matter how many times you blink I'm still going to be here." I tried to pinch my arm to see if this whole day had been a nightmare but no such luck. "Am I really that good looking for you to dream about me?" He flipped his blond hair casually out of his eyes.

"More like a nightmare, actually." I sneered. 

Steven smirked at me and filled up two shot glasses. He slid one of the shot glasses over to me. "Drink up." He eyed me, obviously waiting for me to just chug the small bit of alcohol. "Come on. You know you want to."

"I'm sober you asshole."

He threw his hands up, "Just delivering what the doctor ordered. Come on Skye. You can't just let this drink go to waste can you? It's just one little drink. It's not going to kill you."

"Yeah, but it might make me blackout."

Steven's voice became hushed, "What the hell are you talking about?"

This time it was my turn to smirk, "Does my sister Nikki ring a bell?"

His facial expression remained stone cold. I looked at the counter where his hands laid clenched together, "I never laid a hand on your sister." 

"I never said you did." I said innocently, "I just meant that sometimes she drank a little bit too much."

His hands unclenched and he laid them flat on the table, "I thought that's what you do."

I corrected, "Did."

He raised an eyebrow, "Then why are you still standing here? I've never seen you so nervous about one little drink."

"Maybe it's not the drink that's making me nervous."

"I'm flattered."

"Don't be." If Steven wasn't such an ass he may actually be attractive. He had a muscular body, you could tell by the white v neck he was wearing and dark washed blue jeans that sagged slightly. He had long blond hair that often got in his blue eyes.

"Then why are you checking me out?"

"Oh shut up."

He laughed and pushed the drink just a little bit closer. It was a miracle that the glass hadn't fallen off the table. That's how close it was to the edge.

"I told you I don't drink especailly anything that you have poured." I spat, "I know everything that you did that night of the Halloween party. Don't play dumb with me."

"I didn't do anything except have a little fun." He winked.

I felt my teeth clench together, "Do you know how hard it is to just stand here and not slap you in the face? A slap wouldn't even be enough for what you did to my sister. I'm just glad she didn't have to face what you did to her every single day of her life."

"I told you I didn't do anything." He fiddled with the shot glasses on the table, "I don't know why you're taking this all out of me because I wasn't the one who drove her home drunk. That was you. No amount of lies is going to erase that. So if you don't mind. I have customers to tend to."

I got up from the stool I was sitting on and then stood on top of it. "Want me to tell everybody in this room what you did? I can even tell them what you put in these little drinks of yours."

I leaned over and picked up one of the shot glasses that was near me. I held it up. I brought it closer to my face and sniffed it. I fought the urge to take a sip. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. "I wont say anything to all of these lovely people here if you just admit what you did to my sister."

"Go ahead and spread your lies. It's not like anybody here is going to listen to you anyway. All of these people in this room are here for your ex, who I might add just publically humiliated you. A few of them have already started putting it all together. They know you're the one who treated Zach like a fool. You'd be surprised how ruthless some of these girls are. Once Cameron and Michael mentioned a girl a couple months back that he had a crush on. The only information he gave was a blue beanie and they tracked that girl down so fast. They also tracked down the girl who stole Cameron's jacket one night. Don't underestimate them and don't underestimate me. You don't know shit about me. I could ruin you."

I raised an eyebrow, "Ruin me? There's nothing that you could do to ruin me. All of my 'dirty laundry'" I used airquotes, "has been out for three years. You're a little late buddy." I patted him on the shoulder as I jumped down from the chair, "Nice try though. I may not do anything right now but that doesn't mean I wont say anything later."

Out of no where someone grabbed the shot glass full of liquor out of my hand. I looked over with a confused look on my face. Zach was standing there holding the shot glass with a scowl on his face. "Weren't you the one who was just telling me you didn't drink?"

Before I had a chance to speak up Steven did, "You came just in time Zach. She's already had a couple of shots. I was just telling her I was going to cut her off."

"He's lying!" I cried, "Smell my breath. I'm just as sober as I was an hour ago."

"I'm not lying. She's already been back here a few times."

I folded my arms and shot Steven a glare, "I have not! Smell my breath if you don't believe me. Make me walk in a straight line. God, make me blow on a breathalyzer. You'll get the same answer every fucking time. I have not had a drink in months."

Zach looked from me and then back at Steven who had a smug look on his face. Oh how I wish I could wipe that ugly look off his face. He looked down at the shot glass and gulped it down. He reached for the other shot glass at the edge of the table and downed that one also.

I looked at him with shock. He whiped his mouth and glared, "Both of you just shut up." He stalked off and went to go talk to some fans near by. Thankfully, none of them witnessed this little show. 

Steven walked out from behind the bar and stood in front of me. He was nearly two heads taller than I was, "He may not have said that he believes me but we all know he doesn't believe you. Stay away from me and my sister."

"You don't scare me."

"Maybe not right now but you will be."

"I doubt it."

"Let's just say that you'll be a lot worse off than your sister." 

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