Here With You

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 "I'm so in love with you. My mind is set on you. This time and every time. I just can't get enough of you."


I began pacing back and forth with my hands on the top of my head breathing heavily. I had to keep telling myself that everything was going to be okay. At least I knew that Cameron would always be there for me.

I just wish I knew what the others were going to think when they finally see me. Zach may have approached me at that party before I was wheeled off in the abulence but it doesn't mean he'll speak to me now. I never even saw Michael after that night. As for Ariana, I took advantage of her. She let me into her home and all I did was get drunk day in and day out. I don't get how she put up with me that long. 

What if they never forgive me? What if they have me escorted out of the venue? What if they hate me? I don't think I could handle it. It could even send me over the edge. I may not be able to be saved next time.


I pulled up to the venue about two hours before the show even started. There were at least forty people already standing in line. Almost half of them were wearing home made t shirts and the other half wearing tour shirts. I felt completely out of place. I was going to stand out like a sore thumb.

I made my way to the back of the line standing in back of two girls who were wearing identical shirts. The shirts were made to look like jerseys and on the back where it's suppose to say your last name but instead of their own last name it had Porter and Quiseng.

"Where's Martinez?" I muttered.

The girl with the bright red curls turned around, "Excuse me?"

I said a bit lounder, "Where's Martinez?" I raised an eyebrow. This time they were both looking at me.

"We just decided to go with our favorites. No big deal."

"No big deal? The drums are the beat of a song. With out the drums the music wouldn't be the same." I knew I was getting a bit worked up but it stuck a nerve.

"Whatever." The two girls turned around and began whispering about me. "Who the hell does she think she is?"

"You know I can hear you right?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why don't you mind your own damn business."

"Why don't you stop being a b-"

Cameron came walking up to us. I didn't even see him walking down the line to meet the other fans. I guess I was just a bit preocupied. "Is there a problem here ladies?"

The two girls put on their fakest smile and moved closer, "No! Of course not! We were just getting to know each other. Right?" The girl with the curly red hair nudged me and I grimaced.

"Yeah." I said with fake enthusiasm. I saw Cameron shoot me a look.

"I like your shirts! Are you excited for the show?" asked Cameron. The girls nodded.

"We've been counting down the days since the shows been announced!" said the blond.

"What about you?" he asked.

"Eh, it's just giving me something to do for the night." The girls mouths dropped.

Cameron laughed, "At least you're honest. I should probably get going. We have to set up for soundcheck." He hugged each of us. When he got to me he whispered, "Meet us backstage after the show. I left your name and everything so you shouldn't have any problems." He smiled and walked to the girls who had just lined up behind us.

The Mess I MadeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora