Clock Runs Out

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"You fooled me and I'm no fool."


Friends come and go. The person who says that they're your best friend today may not be tomorrow. A lot can go down in one day or even just a few minutes that could change your outlook on them forever. It can either bring you a hell of a lot closer or tear you apart. 

You would think that after your best friend tells you that they like you as more than a friend everything would just be awkward. It doesn't really matter if you feel the same way or not because you know that deep down that everything is going to change. It could ruin a friendship or be the start of something new. In my situation I thought that it would just be one big disaster. I wasn't sure if we would ever be able to move on. You wouldn't believe how easy it ended being. I think we actually ended up a lot closer than we were.

It's just kind of weird how somethings just work themsevles out while others take a long time to fix. Sometimes you need to revisit the same problem over and over again just so you'll be able to get it right.  Other problems can take just one try to just fix everything. I guess you'll just never know until you face a certain situation but it also depends on who the person is as well.

I guess you could say Cameron's a lot more easy going than Zach. That's kind of understatement really. Zach's a perfectionist while Cameron goes with the flow. It's not that Cameron doesn't care it's just that he's happy to just be alive. You can tell just by talking to him for a few minutes. He's one of the sweetest guys I have ever known and he's one of those people who just never changes. He's humble and caring. It's the way he's always been. Cameron's a great guy. It's obvious really but that doesn't mean that Zach isn't just as great. They're both just so different. Zach may be a perfectionist but he's determined. He'll spend hours or even days working on the same song just to get it the way he wants it. Like Cameron, he is also very caring. Just watch him talk to his fans and you'll know exactly what I mean. They really do come first for him.

Two very different boys with almost the exact situation but two very different outcomes. Cameron and I were joking about what went down. I apologized and he was just understanding. He didn't once raise his voice to me or argue with me. Zach on the other hand is completely different. I've apologized a number of times and he just wont take it. We fight whenever we are near eachother and somehow everything always ends up getting much worse. Sometimes I wonder why I even love Zach but then I remember. We're just right for each other. There's no getting past that.


The boys were up on stage practicing for the concert that they had that night while Ariana and I pretended that we were fans in the crowd shouting anything for the 'I love you's' or random innapropriate things that I would rather not admit to. I even caught Zach smiling a couple of times but every time that he saw me looking over he would quickly turn it into a scowl. What a stubborn ass.

Katherine was sitting on the bar stool picking her nails, "How long is this going to take?" She threw her head up and snapped her gum.

I took a break from my crowd imitations and took a seat next to her, "You know the least that you could do is be supportive. Music means a lot to each of them. I thought you would know that considering that you are Zach's girlfriend."

She glowered and continued picking at her nails, "'Cause you were so supportive over the years? I've been to every concert of theirs for over a year and you barely showed up a month ago. Don't even start with me."

I folded my arms, "Too late for that. You started this a long ass time ago Katherine. By the way thanks for leaving me in the bathroom passed out at that party."

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