I Hate Everything About You

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"Everytime we lie awake, after every hit we take. Every feeling that I get but I haven't missed you yet."


Zach's POV

I don't know why I do the things that I do. I don't know why I'm such a stubborn ass sometimes (well...mostly to Skye but she brings it upon herself). I don't know why I drank both of the shot glasses if I'm so determined to keep her away from me. Why am I still protecting her? My mind is telling me to do one thing but my heart is telling me to do something else entirely.

There's no way I can just let her back in. What if things end up worse than they are right now? I can't even imagine how anything could be worse.

Everything would be so much easier if I wasn't driven by my brain. I wouldn't constantly bring up the problems from the past. I wouldn't be so bitter and angry.

I want to be able to be as carefree as Cameron. He does things with out much thought. He doesn't think about how bad something could end up being he just goes with it. If I could do that I would. I'm just sick and tired of being held back.

I just hold grudges for way too long. If you'r goot at letting things go please tell me your secret. I can't seem to figure it out.


All night I took pictures with fans and attempted to talk to them. I tried to make conversation with them but it would always end up in some kind of awkward mess. They would ask me questions about tour and music which is normally easy for me to answer but tonight was different. A couple of them even asked for me to point out the person in the crowd who once made me feel like a fool. I just couldn't do it because I put her through enough for one night.

Part of me wanted to apologize for the things that I said on stage but another part thought that she deserved it. It's like I'm in a neverending battle with myself. I know I should follow my heart but I can't seem to get my brain to shut off long enough to actually do something.

I looked back to the bar where I talked to her earlier that night. She seemed to be in a heated arguement with Katherine's brother, Steven. I don't get why they're even arguging, especially since she hasn't seen him in nearly three years. It's not like they really knew each other anyway.

Michael put his hand in front of my face. I squinted in response, "What?"

"You've been zoning out since we left the stage and I know why."

"Enlighten me."

"I know you want to go talk to her?"

"Talk to who?"

"You know who."

"Voldemort's not here. What are you talking about?"

Michael lowered his eyes, "I expect that kind of comment from Cameron, not you." I saw his eyes flicker to where Steven and Skye were. I saw his nostrils flare and his hands were in fists, "I need to go take care of something. Just talk to her okay?"

Not likely.


Skye's POV

I could see Michael approaching Steven and I. I wish there was way I could send him some kind of telephathic message to tell him that I was handling things but I had no such luck.

Steven followed my gaze to Michael and smirked, "And the fun begins."

"Why don't you just get out of here while you still have a chance?"

"Why would I miss this opportunity to get reaquanited with an old friend?" He pushed his way past me and went over to Michael. 

I followed Steven close behind. He never got rid of the smug look on his face.

"You son of a bitch-" I looked down at Michael clenched fists. 

"Don't Michael." Around us I could see a crowd slowly start to form. "It's not the time or the place for that right now."

"I've waited for this long enough. You have no idea how hard it was to ignore all of the shit he's done when he was with all of us."

"I haven't done anything. Are you seriously going to believe some girl?"

"Some girl? Nikki was never just some girl. She was much more than that."

"Yeah was. Why dwell on the past? What's done is done. She's not even here anymore. It doesn't matter what went down."

"If you didn't mess with her that night then she'd be here."

"She'd also still be here in Skye hadn't got into the car drunk."

"I only drove her home because she was crying! She was crying because of what you did you moron!"

"You only drove her home because she was being a 'party pooper'. I heard you say that Skye. Don't even try to deny it."

"So, what if I did? That doesn't justify your actions."

"It doesn't justify yours either. I was just looking for a good time." Michael raised his fist to Steven's face. He hit him directly in the nose. 

The room fell silent. Everyone was standing there looking at the three of us. The only thing you could hear was the sound of a few camera phones taking pictures. There was no doubt that this wasn't going to be all over the internet in the next few minutes.

Steven groaned. Blood started gushing from his nose. From the corner of my eye I could see Zach and Cameron running towards us.

Michael cleared his throat, "You're lucky that's all I'm going to do." He walked in the opposite direction of where everyone was and didn't look back.

Steven removed one of his hands from his nose, "I could sue you for this you know!"

Michael didn't respond but I did, "I could go to the police and file rape charges for my sister." 

Cameron and Zach had finally reached us. Steven wiped the blood from his nose on his sleeve, "Go ahead and try. It's three years too late. There's no evidence of it anyway."

"I may not have evidence but I sure as hell have a confession. I'm sure someone in this room just caught it all on tape." I smirked, "You're the one who told me not to underestimate them." 

Katherine pushed her way through the crowd of people. She obviously didn't hear the conversation that had just taken place, "Why do you always have to cause drama? Leave my fucking brother alone. Better yet, just leave us all alone. Nobody wants to hear your lies anyway."

I looked over at Steven, "Do you want me to tell her or are you going to?"

"Tell me what?" I waited for Steven to answer but he just glared.

"Eh, I'll let him tell you. It's not like you're going to believe me anyway."

Katherine shrugged, "At least you have one thing right. Come on, Steven. Tell me what the hell is going on."

No one said a word. They just stared at the two siblings, waiting for his answer.

"I'll tell you somewhere else. Not now." He grabbed a hold of Katherine's arm and walked out the door.

For some reason I knew that this wasn't going to be the last we saw of Steven.

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