Count On Me

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"You can count on me like 1 2 3. I'll be there and I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2 and you'll be there 'cause that's what friends are supposed to do."


You're going to need something sharper than a knife to break this tension. Even then I'm not sure that it would work. It's that bad and it seems to be getting even worse as the day progresses.

Imagine being in a room with not only your ex boyfriend that you're still in love with but also one of your best friends who just admitted that he likes you as way more than a friend. Sounds kind of bad right? There's more to it than that. Also think about how your other friend who just admitted that she had feelings for the best friend who likes you or even your ex boyfriends current bitch of a girlfriend. Oh yeah let's add in the boy who was and still is completely in love with your dead sister that got killed in a drunk driving accident because you were stupid enough to get behind the wheel. It's kind of starting to seem a bit soap operaish right? That's just the beginning of the tension that is cramped in one little room.

I highly doubt that we would all be together so soon after everything that went down the day before but the boys had another show in L.A that they had to do. They couldn't just cancel because of personal issues because I know they would feel terrible about it so instead of just ignoring each other until this whole thing fixes itself we have to stay in one small little building and work together.

It's not like I need to be here but I've missed enough already. I've waisted three whole years being a complete disaster. There was no way I was going to miss anymore. Also I kind of told Zach that I wasn't going anywhere but that's besides the point. Okay, so it's really not but whatever. I'm just going to keep telling myself that.

The boys are currently unloading their tour bus in complete silence which is odd because they're always rowdy right before a show but I guess I can't blame them. A lot has gone down in the last couple of days. I guess we all need a little bit of piece and quiet.

Michael was carrying part of his drum set to the stage with Cameron right behind him carrying an amplifier. I don't know where Zach ran off too. He's probably off with Katherine doing god knows what. Just thinking about it makes me want to gag. 

Michael started setting up his drum set at the back of the stage, "Hey man, why don't you and Zach just kiss and make up already? I am tired of this shit."

"I didn't do anything wrong." Cameron shrugged, "Why should I apologize for something I didn't even do?"

"You guys are just a bunch of little girls."

"Hey! You know there are two girls standing in the room right now."

Michael looked around, "Where?"

I hit him upside the head, "Shut up Mikey."

We all laughed and for a moment the tension felt a bit lighter until Zach and Katherine came walking back in the room.

"The least you could do is help us Zach." said Cameron.

"Why should I? You've already helped yourself to my leftovers." He spat and turned to Katherine.

My mouth dropped, "Excuse you! I am not food that you leave in the fridge that nobody wants."

"Could've fooled me." Katherine batted her eyelashes innocently and turned her attention back to Zach.

"The only trash I see in this room is you. Do you see what you're wearing?" I looked at her up and down with disgust. Katherine had on a slinky red dress that barely covered her ass. Her short blond hair was in small waves and her eyeliner was caked on, "At least try to be presentable."

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