Words I Couldn't Say

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"There it was at the tip of my fingers. There it was on the tip of my tongue.There you were and I had never been that far. There it was the whole world wrapped inside my arms."


What's the hardest thing that you've ever had to over come? Was it getting over a death of a love someone or simply graduating high school? Was it to go outside your comfort zone and do something you've never done before because you're simply too afraid? Was it admitting your true feelings for someone because you don't know how you react?

We all have our own hardships. Some are a lot easier to over come while others take a long time. It just depends on who you are. It depends on your personality. You're either outgoing or your not. People who are more outgoing tend to admit their feelings a hell of a lot sooner than people who are shy. The ones who are shy often think that they're being obvious when honestly nobody has a clue. The only way anyone is going to know is if you tell them straight up. Don't beat around the bush because that gets you no where.

Haven't you heard me say that guys are dense? Well so are girls. That's why you got to take things into your own hands even though it may piss off a few people. Oh well, they'll thank me later. If things work out according to plan anyway.


No one bothered to question my puffy red eyes when we came back into the tour bus a half an hour later, which was a good thing because I would've hit them a lot harder than I did to Steven. Maybe even harder than Michael's punch that broke Steven's nose.

Everything seemed to be back to normal. The boys went back to playing their video games and the girls watched. It was just as boring as watching paint dry. Actually I think it was worse.

Ariana pretended to pay attention but I could see her eyes begin to wonder so I took the opportunity to bring her to the back room. I would've brought Cassidy with me but I wasn't exactly comfortable around her especially since she considers Steven to be her best friend.

Ariana rolled onto the long couch in the back of the bus. I could see her eyes begin to close so I kept pocking her until her eyes reopened.



"Skye, I told you to give me a few days."

"Yeah well...things change." She groaned, "Ari, the boys tour starts tonight. There are going to be a ton of pretty fans hanging around for the next couple of weeks. Who knows maybe some girl will catch Cameron's eye."

Ariana hushed me, "He's going to hear you."

"I can be ten times louder and you know it."

"Please don't."

"I wont do anything, yet. You need to get your ass moving in the next few hours. Just pull him aside and say something."

"You make it sound so easy."

"That's because it is."

"If it was I would have done it a long time ago." Cameron came walking down the hallway and laid on the couch next to Ariana.

"Done what a long time ago?"

"Time is ticking!" I shouted running away.


Cameron came out of the back room in about ten minutes because apparently Ariana fell asleep while he was talking to her. Smooth. She was probably faking it. What a chicken shit.

I think it's time I take matters into my own hands. I just need to think of how I'm going to do it. They're going to be thanking me later.

We were all talking in the front of the bus while Ariana was sleeping since we couldn't really go any other place except for our bunks. It was still relatively early in the day so there was no point in sleeping.

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