Thanks For Nothing

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 "It doesn't matter that much to me. Your face is the last face I ever want to see."


After everything went down the crowd started to become even more chaotic. It took the boys manager, Stefanie and several security guards to get everyone out. A couple of people refused to leave which ended them up in the arms of a security guard. Which I thought was funny but it wasn't for them. For the most part people just walked out on there own. Honestly, I was surprised I wasn't one of the people who was being escorted out considering I was the one that started this whole mess. Oops.

For some reason I'm always smack dab in the middle of some kind of drama going on. Probably because I don't know how to keep my mouth shut. It's like word vomit I tell you! I try to stop it but it just comes out. Which sounds really gross when you think about it. You better erase that mental picture. You don't need it to scar you or anything.

The following day nobody heard from Katherine. Zach even called her a few times and texted her about a dozen times. She didn't respond once. Thank god. I don't think I can go another day with her bitching at me. I think I would end up pulling a Michael and punching her in the nose. What? She deserves it. I don't think anybody would really argue with me on that...besides Zach since he's so wrapped around her finger. It's a miracle that he even decided to go to Starbucks with us considering the fact that us meant having me there as well. Maybe he's starting to warm up to me again. I doubt it but who knows. I'm trying to stay optimistic for once in my life. That was Nikki's territory and it worked for her so maybe it will work for me too.


The next day we all piled into one car. Thankfully we didn't have to sit on eachother's laps(but I'm sure that Ariana wouldn't mind sitting on Cameron's). Since it was close to Christmas we thought it would be a good time to go to Starbucks for their holliday drinks. I mean come on it's not Christmas without peppermint mocha and pumpkin spice. Am I right or am I right? That's right. I'm right. God damn, that's a lot of me being right.

This time Cameron sat in between Ariana and I, unlike the time when we all went camping. I could tell Ariana was grateful for me taking the seat behind the driver because of the little looks she kept shooting me when Cameron wasn't looking. I guess my dad wasn't kidding me when he told me that guys are oblivious. You can't just tap them and expect them to notice. You got to hit them...hard.

The car ride was mostly silent except for the occasional giggle from Ariana and Cameron's attempt at being funny. He even brought up the time when both him and Michael first started making youtube videos. They thought they would gain more fans by doing outlandish things like making their own version to the song Milkshake. They didn't rewrite the song or anything. They just filled up a glass of watery milk and put a cherry in it so they could call it a milkshake. Don't ask me why they did it. I honestly have no idea.

We pulled into Starbucks and immediately you could feel the temperature drop. That's what happens when you spend over fifteen minutes in the car and forgot just how freezing it was outside. If you live in a state where it snows a lot this would be like the beginning of fall and end of summer. They would say that it's not that bad but trying living in California your whole life. Then you'll know what I'm talking about.

I rubbed my arms to create some type of warmth, wishing that I brought some kind of jacket. "I didn't realize how could it was out here before."

Cameron shrugged off his jacket and handed it over to me, "Here, you don't want to catch a cold or something."

Zach glared, "Let's hope that she does so she'll stop tagging along with us everywhere."

"If you haven't noticed they're my friends too."

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