Fighting For Nothing

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"When I was younger, I wish that I would have known better."


When I was shoved into the storage room my first reaction was to kick and scream. I was just as bad as that kid you see in the grocery store throwing a fit because their mom didn't buy them a box of fucking cookies. To say the least I made a complete ass out of myself. I mean come on, I'm twenty one years old. I'm not one of those bratty toddlers(but I'm sure my mom and a few other people would quickly disagree).

After I realized how much of a fool I looked like I ended up sitting on the ground. Shortly after I sat down Zach was also being shoved in. Needless to say, I was not amused, at first anyway.

Then I began to think about the possibilities. Since Zach couldn't run away he would be forced to hear what I had to say. I smirked at the thought which ended up making Zach even more pissed off.  Does that boy know any other emotion besides being pissed off all of the fucking time?

"What the fuck are you smiling at?"

"Not you."


"I never lie."

"You're lying again."

"Shut up."

This went back and forth for several minutes until Zach took a seat on the cold tile floor and let out a long sigh. He turned his back away from me so he wouldn't have to see me. I rolled my eyes and leaned on my hands trying to think of a way to pick up the conversation.

Nothing came to mind at first so I began whistling. At first I started to whistle to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and then moved on to what the kids in the movie, "The Breakfast Club" were whistling to when the principal walked in. 

Zach covered his ears in annoyance.

"How mature of you."

"I can't hear you."

I got up from where I was sitting and sat directly in front of him, "Hi."

He turned the other way and uncovered his ears. I sighed and didn't move.

"You're so annoying."

"So are you."

"Then why were you ever with me if I'm so annoying?"

Zach turned around and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it. It was like watching a fish in a fishbowl. He shrugged, "I have no idea."


"We are not doing that again."

"Doing what again?" I batted my eyelashes.

This time he rolled his eyes but to my surprise he didn't turn away from me. "You know what."

I decided not to press on that issue any further, "We should at least talk while we're in here."

"We are talking."

"You know what I mean."

He groaned, "Haven't we talked about that enough?"

"Obviously not." I made a face, "We've been locked in here for a reason haven't we?"

"Fine, talk."

"You're actually letting me talk?"

"Not if you keep acting like a smartass."

"Okay." I sighed. I didn't know where to begin. "I'm sorry for everything Zach. I know that I've said a lot since I've been back but I don't think I'll ever be able to say it enough. It'll never come close to how sorry I actually feel for the way that I treated you while we were together. I shouldn't have let it get that bad-"

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