Can You Find Me

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"Can you find me in the midst of the crowd and do you dream of me when the lights go down?"


It's hard to believe that things can get even worse than they are right now. I guess my life just decided to add yet another hardship to it. It's not like I didn't have enough on my plate. It's just getting to the point where everything is just so unbearable. The amount of pain that one group of people can go through is insane. No one should have to face all of this. It's not fair.

Before you start to lecture me about how life is unfair let me explain something to you. I don't give a damn about some stupid lecture. I'm going to call it unfair no matter what you say. My friends are good people and they don't deserve all of the hurt that they've been put through. Yes, I'm aware that I am the cause of a lot of it but that doesn't mean that more shit has to just keep happening. Can't we get a break or something? This is getting a bit ridiculous.

If you think your life is bad, I'm sure there's someone out there whose life is much worse. Just keep that in mind.


It's been hours since any of us had last seen Zach and every minute that he was gone made me even more worried. What if he got in some sort of accident? What if he got lost? What if he got kidnapped? What if he was lying on the ground dead somewhere?

I shook my head to get rid of any negative thoughts.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of any negative thoughts." I continued shaking my head until I was satisfied.



This went back and forth for about five minutes until we ran out of insults.

Michael spoke up, "Got any plans for exposing Steven?"

"Nada. It was your idea genius. Plus you wont let me lay my hands on him so my plan is already out the window."

"Would you rather go to jail for assault?"

"I don't need anything else on my record. I think I'm good."

I'd do anything for my sister, even if that meant going to jail for assault. I at least owe her something. He wouldn't even see it coming. I guess there is an advantage to being just a tad bit on the shorter size. By the time that I am through with him  he wont be able to see out of either of his eyes.

I asked, "What are we going to do about him?"

"We'll figure it out. It's been a long time coming. He's going to wish that he never laid a hand on her.' 

I continued driving around in a circle until I thought of another place where Zach might be. "Mikey, do you think that Zach could be at Starbucks?"

He shot me a puzzled look and contemplated about it for a minute, "It's worth a shot."

After another ten minutes in the car we pulled up to Starbucks. It looked like any other one but this one was different, at least to Zach and I. This Starbucks had history. It's the place where we use to go to nearly every day after school and talk for hours on end. Starbucks was our special spot, much like the beach being my special spot with Cameron. As for Michael and I, we went wherever we could cause some kind of mischief especially the JC Penney clothing store since that's where Nikki use to work.

I got out of the car and looked around, "I think he's here."

"Do you have a sixth sense or something?"

"No." I frowned looking around until I saw a car that looked much like Zach's, "His cars here."

We walked into the coffee shop and got in line for a drink. We each looked over each other's shoulders to see if we could find any sign of Zach.

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