Why Don't You Love Me?

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"Left on the sidelines, stuck at a red light. Waiting for my time, and just tell me why don't you love me?"


Cameron's POV

No matter how hard I try I'm always going to be second best. I try to be the nice guy. I try to be there for people and in return my heart is always stomped on. I know Skye didn't mean to hurt me but when I saw her chase after Zach I didn't need an answer from her. It's pretty clear that she still has feelings for him even though I wish she didn't but in the end wishing gets you no where. You have to go out and try to go after what you want and sometimes you just don't get it. That's just the way life is. 

I stood there watching Skye go after Zach right after I confessed my feelings for her. I don't blame her though. No matter how hurt I am right now I could never hate Skye. She has made mistakes in the past there's no denying that but we all have. She's changed. You can tell by the way that she carries herself. You'd have to be considered blind if you didn't notice.

Zach's blind and stupid if he just lets her get away again because she's not going to chase him forever that's not who Skye is. She may try for a little while but eventually she'll give up.

I could see Ariana walking up to me. There was no doubt in my mind that she hadn't seen everything that had just went down.

She bit her lip and looked at me with concern, "Are you okay?" Ariana was the only one who was fully aware of my feelings for Skye. When Skye came back I unloaded it all on her and she listened to me and nodded. She didn't tell me how foolish I was being. She was just there for me.

A lot of people think of Ariana as unaproachable because she can be a bit harsh sometimes but I know the real reason. Only Skye and I know about her depression. Skye doesn't even know that I know but I was the one who told her that she should get some help. I caught onto her warning signs early before anything bad had happened. I'm glad I realized it soon because we might've lost Ariana too instead of just Nikki.

I nodded, "At least I finally got that off of my chest."

"It may not have been the outcome that you wanted Cameron but it's going to be okay. There's some girl out there for you. You may not realize that right now but she's there. I'm sure of it."

"How could you be so sure?"

She shrugged and rollled her eyes, "I don't have to be psychic to know how good of a guy you are Cameron. You're going to make one girl very happy one day."

"I hope you're right."

"I know I'm right."  


Skye's POV

I know I shouldn't have ran off like I did. I know Cameron deserves some kind of explanation from me and he'll get one. I just need to sort some things out and by things I mean Zach Porter.

I finally caught up to him. He turned and saw me fast walking along beside him. He grunted and looked away from me.

"That was not what it looked like at all."

"I always had a feeling that you had a thing for Cameron."

"That is so not true. The only person I had a 'thing' for was you. How many times do I have to tell you that I love you? I am still in love with you even though I think you're a moron for not realizing it. After three years of no contact with you or anybody else I still feel the exact same way I did back when we were still together. You would know that if you just listened to me for one fucking second."

He paused for a second staring at the ocean, "I-"

"Let me finish.  You're an idiot Zach. Did you not see me move away from Cam when he got close to me? No, you didn't. You're so fucking infuriating sometimes. You don't see me getting all pissy when Katherine's around do you?"

"That's bull shit Skye. You've never once been nice to her."

"I have no reason to be nice to her. She's a bitch." I paused for a second and then continued, "Don't you rememeber all of the times where she tried to break us up?"

"Katherine wasn't what broke us up was it?"

"No fucking shit. I am aware of all of the damage that I have caused. I've owned up to all of my mistakes but that bitch hasn't. You don't know everything about her and how fucked up her family is."

"Why don't you tell me then?"

I stared at the ground, "I can't. At least not yet."

"You can't because there's nothing wrong with her or her family."

"You have to be a complete moron to believe that bull shit."

"Call me a moron. I don't give a damn."

"I just did." I rolled my eyes.

"And you say I'm infuriating?" He shook his head and glared, "There is no way in hell that I would ever be with you again. All you do is cause problems wherever you go."

"Those 'problems' are not because of me. Okay, some of them are but a lot of them is because of you're so called girlfriend. She's always going to be a bitch. That's never going to change."

"I thought you said that people change."

"When I said people. I meant me. I've changed. Have you seen me pick up one drink? No, I've been sober for months. I've told you that so many times but you never seem to listen. Since I've been back all I've tried to do is show you that I'm different. I'm not that girl that needs a beer to just have fun. The one thing that hasn't changed is the fact that I am still the girl that loves you. I'm still the girl that you love. You said so yourself. You need to listen and believe me when I say that I would never hurt you again. I would never use your best friend just to get back at you for being mad at me. I would never use anybody because there's no point. I love you and only you."

"You should go."

"I'll go but I'll be back. You're not getting rid of me that easy Porter." 


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