When You're Around

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"Open your eyes, such a surprise. Calling numbers from a phone book page..."


Everything has been very light and fluffy. No, I'm not talking about a cloud. I'm talking about how easy things are becoming. There's hardly any tension left in the air. If you told me that this is where I would be months ago I would've laughed in your face. I'd also probably end up doing something that counts as embarrassing but who knows. I guess we'll never know. I think I'm starting to become okay with that.

All I want to do is stay in this moment forever. I don't want to go back and try to fix the past because lets face it, I don't have a damn time machine. Even if I did I probably still wouldn't use it. I'd probably end up fucking up more things than I already have. I kind of have a tendency to do that, you know. Just ask Zach I'm sure he'll end up making some kind of list and turn it into a song. 

After waiting for Michael for over a half an hour he finally decided to call. Of course, he didn't even apologize for making us all wait for him. He didn't even acknowledge it. All he did was call and ask us if it would be okay to bring Cassidy along, of course we said yes even though she was practically a stranger to all of us. It's not like she's going to come and kill us all in the middle of the night. Let's hope she doesn't anyway.

Since we were all tired of waiting for him we decided to just meet the two of them at Starbucks since Cassidy's shift was about to end anyway. If we waited for those two to meet us I'm sure it would take another hour or maybe even more.

We pulled up in the large brown tour bus in front of Starbucks. The driver of the bus honked loudly to single that we were here which caused everyone in Starbucks to turn around and look over. From the windows of the tour bus I could see Michael and Cassidy standing in front of the counter. Michael put up a finger to single that they had to wait a minute. 

I threw my head back and sighed, "It's not like we haven't waited long enough already."

"What now?" asked Zach.

"Michael's telling us to wait." 

"What for?"

"I have no idea but I'm not going to sit here and wait. We might as well go inside." One by one each of got hopped out of the tour bus. Michael raised an eyebrow as he saw each of us walk into the coffee shop.

"Man, I told you guys it would just be another minute. You didn't have to come all barging in."

"Can't a girl get a coffee?" I asked, "What's taking you so long anyway? We all agreed to meet like an hour ago."

"Cassie can't get anyone to cover the rest of her shift." Cassidy waved to all of us from behind the counter clutching the cordless phone in her hand. She smiled weakly and dialed another number into the phone.

"Cassie huh?" I whispered and nudged him, "Let me guess she calls you Mikey now."

"Shut up." From the corner of my eye I could see the others wander off into another part of Starbucks to sit down. 

"It's cute!"

"Stop it. She doesn't even know I like her."

I folded my arms, "Yeah right. You are so obvious that it's ridiculous."

"Don't say anything."

"What am I the keeper of everyone's secrets now? Shit, you guys are a bunch of wussies."

Michael paused for a breif moment, "What other secrets are you keeping Skye?"

I covered my mouth, "I've said too much already."

"Come on, I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Fine, but you have to promise me that you're going to help me."

"For all I know you're covering up a murder."

I hit him lightly on the arm, "Trust me you moron."

"Fine, I trust you. Tell me."

I leaned in a little bit and got on the tip of my toes. I whispered into his ear, "Ariana likes Cam."

Michael's eyes narrowed, "That's the big secret? I could have told you that."

I pouted, "Are you serious? Next you're going to tell me that you know that Cameron likes her back."


My mouth dropped, "Are you serious? God damn, Cameron and Ariana are either blind of stupid."

I could hear foot steps behind me, "Be a little louder. I'm sure Cameron and Ariana didn't hear you." I turned to my side and saw Zach smirking at me. I took a quick look behind me to see if Cameron and Ariana had heard anything. They were too busy laughing at whatever lame joke I'm sure that Cameron made.

"I really do think they're blind and stupid. They didn't even look up."

Zach let out a small laugh, "That's because you weren't really that loud. I was just messing with you. I heard you because I was already walking up."


"More like smart ass but I'll take what I can get." 

I rolled my eyes, "How are we going to get those two morons together?"

"No, you are not playing match maker. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"What happened last time?" asked Michael.

"Skye here, tried to hook up two teachers."

Michael made a disgusted face, "Why would you do that?"

I shrugged, "I thought they would lighten up if they had someone."

"All they did was fail you for the entire year-"

"Shut up. That was one time. This time Cameron and Ariana aren't my teachers if you noticed. They're my friends and I know for a fact that they both like each other. Michael told me."

"Let them handle it Skye-"

"Where's the fun in that?"

Ariana and Cameron came up from behind us, "Fun in what?"

"Oh nothing-"

"Just the weather..." said Zach.

I shot him a look, "Are you serious?"

Zach shrugged. Cassidy came and joined the group. She stood next to Michael and rocked back and forth on her feet. "Sorry that it's taking so long. I can't get any of the workers to come in to cover for me so I had to ask one of my friends-"

The door to Starbucks opened. None of us bothered to look over since all of us were already here.

"Steven!" Cassidy ran over to him and gave him a big hug. All of our faces dropped and I could see Michael glaring with his fists clenched together. Cassidy let go and turned to all of us, "This is Steven. He's one of my best friends."

Steven smirked and ran his fingers through his blond hair, "Hey guys."  You could see a white bandage covering up his nose and a few bruises peaking out underneath.

Cassidy loved over at Michael with a confused face, obviously sensing the animosity that Michael had for Steven. "What's wrong Mikey?"

Michael gritted his teeth together, "We've met."

"That's right. Hey Mike, Skye."

"I was hopping we got rid of you." 

"Oh that's a terrible thing to say to a friend Skye."

Cassidy looked at me and then at Michael trying to figure out what was going on. "How do you guys know each other?"

"We went to the same school."

"That's one way to put it." I grabbed onto the sleeve of Steven's shirt, "Mind if we catch up a bit?"

"Not at all. Anything for you Skye." 

If anything, I think it's time to tell him exactly how I feel about him. I'm not holding back this time.

The Mess I MadeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora