Chapter 3

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"I'm so excited! We finally can get all of our souls! We will... Soul?" Maka looked around. Soul was behind her, but now he wasn't. "Soul!" Maka yelled his name, trying to get his attention. "What? No need to yell..." Soul pulled in front of her. She forgot that he went ahead. Maka stopped and said,"There you are. So, which way to Medusa's layer?" Maka asked, even though she knew the way. She would ask questions like that to see if he was paying attention, which usually he isn't. "Umm........ I don't know. Don't you?" Soul never really pays attention. "Come on Soul! We need to be focused! If we fail this mission, we may not get another like it!" Maka always yelled, but the way she yelled now, Soul never heard before. "Ok Maka, calm down..." Soul said gently, "I'm sorry. I am just worried. What if we do fail? Many have gone to witch Medusa and never returned." Maka couldn't believe what she was hearing! She never thought Soul would say anything like that. "It's ok Soul. I'm just stressed out." They started moving forward. Once again, Soul went ahead. He turned around, but Maka was not there. "Maka!" Soul yelled for her, kind of worried. "Soul! Help!" He heard Maka screaming. He ran to her. She was hanging on a branch from a cliff. "She must have been walking and slipped" Soul thought. "Grab my hand!" Soul said, now very worried. Maka grabbed his hand, and he pulled her up. "Thanks Soul." Maka said, blushing again. Maka started looking at him, and he started blushing too. They started leaning into each other. " No... problem..." Soul said very slowly. They leaned in more. And, as if they knew exactly each other's thoughts, they kissed.

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