Chapter 9

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When they all got back to the academy, Professor Stine emedienly began surgery on Soul. The entire time, Maka was sitting outside of the door. "It's all my fault." She thought,"If only I would have done something..." "Maka? What are you doing here?" Maka heard behind her. She turned around to see Lord Deaths son, Death the Kid (aka Kid). "You didn't hear? I thought my dad would have been yelling through the halls shouting it. We were fight against Crona, Witch Medusa's kid, and he had hurt Soul. Soul kept telling me to block but I didn't. Then..." Maka suddenly stopped and started sliding down the wall, tearing up. Kid helped her down an sat by her. "What happened to Soul?" Kid said. "Crona was going to hit me, but Soul transformed and got hit instead." Maka said, now crying. Kid grabbed her shoulder and leaned her to him. She leaned on his shoulder (don't think they like each other!!!!!). Kid soon got up and left when he heard his name on the intercom to go see Lord Death. Professor Stine walked out the room. "What are you doing here? You could have gone to eat or take a nap you know." "I have to know how Soul is doing!" Maka said, jumping up. "Hmm... The surgery was a success. He should be good as new pretty soon." Maka was so happy. "Can I go see him?" Maka asked. Stine nodded his head, and Maka ran in there.

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