Chapter 20

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Soul was kind of worried. What did Crona come here for? Why did Medusa send him? "Why are you taking it easy? Come on. I know you can do better than that." Crona said very cocky. "Okay then..." Soul started hitting at Crona harder, but Crona had cornered Soul in a wall. "Don't you get it? The doors only open one way. They open inward." "Not this crap again..." Before Crona could hit Soul, Maka came in front of him. "Back away. I won't let you touch him." Soul and Crona were both surprised. "Maka, what are you doing here? I told you to stay in your room." "You protected me. Now it is my turn to protect you." "Okay..." "Don't transform. Only your arm and leg can transform. I can handle him myself." Soul looked at Maka. "How!?!?" "Remember when you said that the doctors found a weapon inside of me?" Soul already knew where this was going. "No! You can't!" He started to tear up. "Don't worry about me." Maka gave Soul a kiss. "Now, Crona. Leave Soul alone. Its only me and you." Crona came at Maka, but Maka shot out four different blades. Two in her back, and one in each arm. She blocked, then cut Crona in the arm. "How are you..." Crona didn't know how Maka was able to cut through him. "You have black blood. I have black blood. So we are kind of even. Soul now!" With that, Soul turned to a scythe and Maka held him. They then hit at Crona. "This will be a better fight than I expected!"

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