Chapter 8

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"Why did you do that Soul?" Maka asked him, holding his hand. "Because, a weapon is always prepared to die for their meister." Soul said. "And... because I love you." Soul said. He started blushing. They both seemed to forget about his wound. They leaned into each other again. They kissed. Soul pulled Maka down with him. What they didn't know is that Stine and Death Sythe was watching them. Death Sythe would have gone over there and pulled Maka away and punched Soul in the mouth, but he knew that Maka was happy, so it made him happy too. After they pulled away from each other, Soul and Maka started talking about why he had saved her. "I saved you because you are my meister and I love you." Soul said. "I love you too." Maka said. Just before they could lean in for another kiss, Stine came up behind them and asked,"Are you ready, Maka?" "Yes sir." Maka said, very happily. And so, Stine and Death Sythe carried Soul to the academy, and Maka was behind, shedding some tears, "It's all my fault." Maka thought.

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