Chapter 16

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"Where am I?" Soul wondered. He was in a forest. It was so bright. "Soul!" He heard a scream. "Who... Maka?" He asked. "Soul! Help me! Hurry!" She yelled. "Maka! I'm coming!" Soul ran through the forest. He found a girl. She was hanging from a bridge. He looked at he girl and realized it was Maka. "Maka! Grab on!" Soul put his hand out. When he pulled her up, she said,"Thank you." The leaned in and kissed. Something didn't feel right though. Soul pulled away to find Medusa. "Well well well... You know? You are a better kisser than I would ever have thought!" Soul grabbed Medusa and put her up against a tree near by. "What did you do to Maka?" She just sat there smiling. "Tell me now!" "I simply took the blood in you and... How do I say this? Transferred it to her while you where kissing. And all I have to do is snap my fingers and then the blood will be activated. It will kill her from the inside." Soul stopped. "Why?" "I'm a witch. What else can I do for fun?" *poof*. She disappeared. He then say a door. He walked up to it. When he walked in it, he saw the real Maka. But what he saw just made him shiver all over. She was in a hospital bed getting surgery. They were taking alot of black blood from her. Then... the monitor went flat. She was gone. Then he woke up.

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