Chapter 17

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"Get up Soul." Soul got up real quick. It took him a minute to focus on what was happening. They were pushing Maka's bed. They were taking her to the E.R. Maka was still sleeping. She had blood coming from her mouth. Her arms were covered in blood too. But what Soul saw on her just scared him. It wasn't just normal red blood. It was black blood. "What happen to my meister!" Soul started running to her bed, but another nurse came and help him back. "No! Get off of me! I love her! Let me see her!" The nurse had no choice but to put him in a crazy room. He didn't want to, but there was no where else to put him. He would go nuts in the waiting room, and in a normal room he would break the door down. "Come give me a hand over here!" The nurse called out. Soul, now having at least 3 or 4 nurses holding him down, kept struggling. "Give me the needle." One of the nurses called out. Next thing Soul knew, he had a needle in him arm, and he then stopped. It was a medicine to calm him down, but not put him to sleep. When they put him in the room, a nurse said," I'm sorry, but you need to stay in here. We will let you out when you calm down more. " she then walked out the room closing the door. "Maka... i'm sorry."

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