Chapter 10

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"Ma... Maka?" Soul said, wearily. "Yes. It's me!" She said, very happy. "Maka, did I ever tell you that you have a very pretty smile?" Soul said. "No..." Maka said, blushing. They leaned in and kissed again. They talked for a while about what will happen to their souls and what they can do while he is here. "Are you gonna stay here with me?" Soul asked. Maka looked at him, chuckling. "Of course." Maka said, then hugging Soul softly. Stine would come in every now and then to check on Soul, and to tell Maka she can leave and that she doesn't need to stay with Soul, but she just kept saying "I'm staying." So for two days she would sleep in Soul's nurse room with him. Then one day, Maka told Soul that she was gonna go leave for some breakfast and asked him what he wanted. "Don't... go!" Soul said, holding his chest in pain. "What's wrong!?!" Maka asked, worried. "Something's wrong. Go get Stine!" Soul said in pain. "Stein!!!!!!" Maka yelled down the hall to get him. Everyone looked at her and kept asking her what was wrong, but she ignored them. "Maka? What's wrong?" Stein asked, being pulled by Maka back to Soul's room. "I dont know. Soul said something is wrong." Maka said, starting to tear up again. When they both got back, Soul was passed out, blood all across the bed. Stein ran and looked at Soul's chest and saw that his stitches came undone. "Quick! Go get Lord Death!" Stein said, holding Soul's chest. "Lord Death!" Maka yelled, running to his room. When she got him in there, Stein said,"We have no choice. Get a car, he needs to go to the hospital."

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