Chapter 14

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"Ok. I know it's bad, but how come she has all the tubes and machines. I don't have any of that, yet I have black blood too." Soul asked. "You have the blood just in your body. Maka has the blood going through her systems. It shouldn't kill her, but it will take her some time to heal well enough to leave." Soul heard one part out of everything the nurse said. "What do you mean 'shouldn't kill her'?" "We have had this case many times before, but we have had 2-3 people who did not survive with it." Soul start tearing up. He could never even think about Maka dying before, now she has a small chance. "With all you can do, you better keep my meister alive! Or I will go, and you will not only loose her, you will loose me too. And that is a promise I tend to keep." "I understand sir." The nurse then walked out and closed the door. It was kind of late already. So I decided to go to bed. But before I could..."Soul? What happened?" Maka asked wearily. "Oh Maka. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. When ever we kissed before, I gave part of my black blood to you. Now it is in your system. They said it shouldn't' kill you. But I'm still not sure." Maka took a deep breath in and out before saying,"No... I can't loose you again! I couldn't bear it." Soul was now crying. "Don't worry. You won't loose me. If you go, I go. If you stay, I stay. You know why? Because I love you Maka Albarn. And I always will."

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