Chapter 12

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"Mrs. Maka? Your here with Soul Eater, correct? The surgery was successful. Give him some time to rest and then you can see him." A nurse came behind me and said. "Thank you very much..." Maka told her. The nurse looked at Maka and saw a tear roll down her rosy cheeks. "Don't worry. Your meister is ok." I looked up to see a young lady, looked like in her mid 20's, smiling at me. I gave her a grin and said,"Thanks." With that, she had walked away. After about an hour, another nurse came in. "You can come see Soul now." Maka looked up and had a big grin on her face. She followed the nurse to his room. When they got there, the nurse stopped her and said,"I know you want him to leave today, but we found something else while performing his surgery. He appears to have some type of black blood in him. We would like to keep him for a few days to make sure he fully recovers, ok?" "Ok." Maka said. She then nearly ran into Soul's room to find him awake. "Maka?" Soul asked. He didn't think that Maka was going to stay in the hospital with him. "Yea. It's me." She said. When she got to his bed, she gave him a small kiss. He moaned a little. "What's wrong?" She asked. After she asked him, he pulled her in and kissed her like before. "That's better." Soul said, laughing at Maka's expression. She was surprised. "Ok Mr. Funny Guy!" Maka said laughing.

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