Chapter 7

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"Soul!" Maka screamed! She was crying. She kicked Crona and knocked him out. "Soul. Please wake up!" Maka was very sad. "Why would he do this? Why would he risk his life just for me?" Maka thought. Professor Stine saw what happened. Now he was really fighting. He used his soul wavelength on everyone and killed them much faster. "Well, well, well. What do we have here. The DWMA's best meister AND Death Sythe! What a heartwarming surprise. I wish I could play with you a little longer, but I must be leaving." Said Witch Medusa. And with that, she took off. "Professor Stine... will Soul be ok?" Maka asked, still crying. "The wound is very serious. If he doesn't get medical attention soon, then he might not make it. We need to get back to the academy as soon as possible." Professor Stine said, though he was thinking about something even worse. "When Soul got hit, Crona was bleeding and some of the black blood looked like it mixed with Soul's. Even if he does survive, if the black blood is mixed with his, he will have a great chance of killing Maka in one of there battles." Stine thought. "It's all my fault," Maka said quietly," If I would have blocked, he would have died. So he risked his life for me. I should have just ran away. I should have never let him do that." Then, Maka heard Soul's voice. "Maka?" Soul said, faintly. She couldn't believe what she heard! "Soul!" Maka said very happily. She ran to him, then stopped. She wanted to hug him but she knew she couldn't. Stine and Death Sythe both looked at her, seeing her blush. "Do you want a minute? We can give you one if you like?" Death Sythe said. He knew what she was thinking, but he didn't care. As long as she was happy. "Yes, please." Maka said, seeing Soul stare at her.

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