A friendship blooms.....

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Bokuto P.O.V

An hour later I became best friends with Laser and Diesel. The school morons. Diesel loved manga and video games but also is quiet and very sassy as for Laser is one of the bad boys of the school and he too loves video games, he is rich but I couldn't care less about that. "Okay class answer here or present when I call out your names," said our form teacher Mr.Hendaru with a quite serious voice."Bokuto" He mumbles which was quite hard to understand but I finally understood him. "Here..."I replied turning back to talk to Laser and Diesel. But all of a sudden he entered the class taking all of my attention with him until he sat down right in front of my eyes. "Akaashi" Sounding Annoyed the teacher said his name, "here" replied the angel in front of me his hair obsidian black. "Umm...Laser who is the guy in front of me?"I whispered over to Laser so he couldn't hear me "Oh Akaashi well he's the dreamiest boys in school......well at least that's what all the girls he fucked said so.... yeah" said Laser sounding bored .Oh...Wow... now that's great to know... I think I'm in love with a guy that is straight as a ruler and fucked nearly all of the girls in school.... great.... just peachy. "Why you asking anyway?" asked Diesel giving me face that says *Bitch you fucking like him don't you?* with a sexy smirk. "N..no ...r...reason" I shuttered making myself get as hot as a dog on a very warm day. "Yeah whatever Bokuto-san"answered Diesel turning all his attention back to Laser. I laughed at the name he gave me and twisted back around just in time to get my ears to bleed by the sound of the bell. 

3 lessons later...

I'm in the school showers getting a quick shower because I had football and I smell like a dead rat that was left to burn in the hot sun. Akaashi. That name is so innocent for such a greek god like him even though he isn't as innocent as I thought. My thoughts were stopped by the male voice behind the curtain "Are you gonna be long I need to take a shower too ?" asked what seemed to sound like Akaashi from behind the curtain...The only thing that was keeping me away from jumping on him and kissing the fuck out of him. "Uhhmm..N-no I'm nearly d-done" I shuttered again rolling my eyes at how stupid I was being 'Great job Bokuto great first impression to the man you want to marry one day' my brain said to me. I quickly got out raping a towel around my waist making it hang loose a little "Okay you can go in now" I told Akaashi while I examined his body from head to toe walking away quickly to not let him see me blush again.......

Yay!!!! chapter 2 hope you like it so far further in the story there might be some twists and such and such but until then you have to wait and read on I just want to warn you there will be smut involved in the story at some points but not in any soon chapters.

Till next chapter my minion's xx - Lucas/Masterchu17 

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