He doesn't remember.....

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(P.S before you read this chapter..I am sorry for the many tears you will be producing...I know because I am crying now...on with the story)

**In hospital**

Laser P.O.V

Sadness, Fear and out of my feelings right now...Pain. You guys remember when I asked Diesel to marry me...Well before he could he fainted..and now he's in a coma...for over two months...I miss him...I haven't even been anywhere apart from my house, Bokuto's and Akaashi's house. They keep saying he's gonna be fine and wake up like nothing happened and say yes..like I wish...But you see today Diesel woke up..and he was asking the doctor to call me over, so here I am in my Audi r8 speeding through the streets to the hospital as fast as I can, with Akaashi and Bokuto at the back pissing themselves from the fast I'm going. As I speed through the streets the only thing on my mind is 'Diesel' he's always there and always will, even if something goes wrong, but I hope nothing does go wrong...or has gone wrong. That's my only worry. Losing him. Losing my other half. Losing us. But as I slow down and park the car, the two owls looking horrible, and me well I'm a mess right now, I realise that this hospital has never had anything good with it...like me getting my arm and leg into flipping metal and nearly dying...but now it's not me...it's my Diesel...The only one I care about other than my sister Eleanor...

I walk up to the big white horrifying building called 'Hospital' with the young owls behind me as I open the door taking a deep breath as I walk to the reception where the so familiar person asks "Lucas...Who you seeing?" that face..that voice...that woman...the devils daughter sitting on her throne of spears...Yuki Fernandez...my 'Aunt' and before you ask she married a Spanish dude and they have about 5 kids now so blah blah blah. "I'm here to see Damon Ya-Usui"I reply nearly calling him by my last name, she looks at me for a second before she blinks and sighs typing in something on the computer they give everyone at the hospital before turning back to me "He's over at the last room on this floor..."She says as I nod and run there..literally like flipping sonic or even the flash, dodging all the people sliding under the beds.


"I'm sorry to say Mr Yagami but your friend lost his...memory"

Those were the words that broke me into a million pieces over and over again until I felt pain, the doctor said those words like as if he could do something...but he couldnt..he couldn't bring back his memory..he needed to remember himself. Sitting at the side of Diesel's bed in that moment made me cry, not from happiness but from a broken heart, I know diesel a while but he was my only true love..he will always be it...As I lean down to kiss his head his eyes shoot open as he moves away a bit and looks at me confused "Laser are you okay? Why am I in the hospital? Has Takano been trying to fight you again and I jumped in?" His voice...his beautiful angelic voice....I have finally heard it...waiting two months for this to happen...but not like this...why like this.... I admit I was staring at him, he looked at me like at a creep but I cleared my throat "I'm sorry lo-Diesel but I can't tell you anything....right now"I say looking down as he moves back to his original spot when I was gonna kiss his head. He looked at me for a moment but I never looked at him, he could sense how I was feeling...Hurt..Sad...Heartbroken....Depressed...But he said nothing he just said "Okay" and that's all I needed and that's all he would give me.


After a while, Bokuto and Akaashi came in but Diesel only remembered one of them...Akaashi. Akaashi looked at me his eyes filled with sadness too but mine..mine were filled with emotions only Diesel could fix....but not at this moment. I was fighting back the tears when looking at Diesel and poor Bokuto standing outside the door because Diesel didn't remember him. I wish this didn't end up like this, I hope he will be fine, but when I always say 'Hope' it always turns out bad...

I'm sorry okay! I know I know I hate myself right now too! I got my heart checked and I have one! I was crying guys I was crying when I thought of this chapter idea so don't say anything all you can do though is Click that Vote button and Comment, Share and as always stay positive...but I don't think you could after this chapter 😭

Till the next chapter my minions xx-Lucas/Masterchu17

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