The pervert....(Part 2)

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*I know he hates when I call him by his real name and when he's angry well it doesn't end well "Damon" came another voice that I knew who it was, it was....*

Diesel P.O.V

It was Mi-"Hey Diesel come on we will be late for assembly" Akaashi shouted at me while running to the door. Laser ran over in my direction and dragged me by my arm 'God, he's strong and that makes him even more se-JESUS BRAIN STOP I AM NOT GAY OKAY God yes he is strong because he works out but no i do not think he's hot or sexy well good looking yes but not any other things apart from that. 


Ahhh that fucking bell i hate it Jesus its a school not a fire brigade i feel like my ear's are about to bleed or something. "Okay students as you know exams are starting soon and yes i know some of the classes have new students so they will get half of the normal test so you still have to study hard and pass your them but to make it better we have thought about pairing you into a group of 4 people that we think will study and work well" Wait what did i hear that right a group of 4!!! wait what if i get paired up with Akaashi Bokuto and Laser yeah that would be good so we wouldn't study or anything we would just go and buy comic books and watch horror movies.

Bokuto P.O.V

I hope I get paired up with Laser Diesel and my hot as fuck angel born from the gods Akaashi. "Okay so the first group is Akaashi Keiji Bokuto Koutarou Lucas Yagami and Damon Usui" I hear our form teacher say while writing down the rest of the groups but still YESSS!! the whole gang is together. I look over to Laser Diesel and Akaashi to see them smiling at me and looking as happy as I am right now but the thing is that Akaashi's smile makes me get them butterflies in my stomach like always when he smiles at me or at anything ugh how I wanna fuck that bea-Wow I went too far with that thought Jesus I should stop watching Hentai......Don't ask I know I'm weird but don't ask why I watch hentai, okay okay I have needs alright just kidding....or am I mwahaha...

Laser P.O.V

They used my real name I should be angry right now but they're teachers they don't know that people call me Laser and other stuff about me but a well at least we're all in a group hmm I wonder what I should call us the 4 owls?? or maybe the penguin and the 3 owls?? I don't know ill ask them or think more about it. I look over to see Akaashi crying over at the back of the hall so I as the nice person I am walking over to him. "Akaashi are you okay mate?" I ask sadly because when I see or feel that someone is I feel bad and get sad too. "N-No I-I'm n-not f-fine L-Laser" he sobs out, I pull him into me and hug him, I pull back and bring him over to Bokuto-san and Diesel to see if they can help. When we get over to them Bokuto-San's face changes from happy to sad and something else but I can't seem to figure it out. "Omg Akaashi are you okay did you get hurt did someone hurt you did som-"I stopped Diesel before looking at Akaashi and seeing that he got paler and looked a bit stressed so I put my hand on Diesel's mouth and looked at Him with my sexy smirk and came closer to tease him and before you ask I am not gay I am bisexual so yeah don't hate El Laser because he like both type if you do hate then fuck off or go lick a cat that got washed with pickles. I see Diesel stiff and look at me with wide eyes but when I look down there oh i have reached the checkpoint so guess what I do as I am taller than him a little bit I go over to his ear and whisper "Have fun getting that problem out of the way Damon " Winking at him and turning back around taking Akaashi and Bokuto-san with me until I get stopped by the one and only.......

Another Cliffhanger haha Jesus what am I doing haha. Do you think you know who the mysterious person calling Diesel's real name?? Why do you think Akaashi was crying?? And did Laser make Diesel turned on ?? hmm..Anyway I hope you liked it and well don't want to kill me for doing such a crap job at this book that Me and Lydia are doing and trying to make about even 5 of these haha so yeah

Till next chapter my minions xxx- Lucas/Masterchu17

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