Truth or Dare...

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 ***PLay song when says to okay?Good***

Bokuto P.O.V

I followed Akaashi through Laser's gorgeous mansion to the game room where I literally melted in happiness just like the time I had Akaashi in my arms but still. "You can sit anywhere and you can play anything you wish," said Akaashi going over to the Xbox one before going over to the shelf with the Xbox one games on it. I walked over to the shelves with all the manga's on them 'Black Butler...Naruto...Attack on titan like wow this place is heaven' I thought while looking at all of the amazing and good manga's, I glance over to the door to see Diesel with some food and drinks and lets just say it was a lot for one but for the four of us Jesus and we are still gonna get some pizza I think. "Okay, i turned the pool on and got you all some swimming trunks if you don't have any"Laser says out of nowhere and sits down on one of the beanbag chairs near the big HD tv. "So I have an idea before we go into the pool but you all have to pick at least 5 dares okay?"Diesel asks while going over and sitting on the beanbag chair opposite Laser and smirks at us. We all agree on playing and we start as Laser turns the light down a bit to make it more in the mood "So..Laser Truth or Dare?"I ask with a cheeky grin on my face "Dare because I'm not a fucking pussy" he tells me with a smirk on his face that tells me he thinks he will win oh but he's wrong "I dare you to straddle Diesel and kiss him" I look over at him with a smirk knowing I got him on that one "Alright I"ll do it umm Diesel are you gonna be okay with that.."he asks turning as red as a cherry but still he manages to look at Diesel in the eyes"U-Umm y-yeah s-sure"I smirk at the awkwardness they will make in the room after this one. 

Laser P.O.V

Why just why that dare like ugh he will pay for this. (Put the song at the top on now for this part) I stand up and walk over to Diesel before smirking down at him in a sexual way that makes him go stiff. I slowly put my one of my legs over him and then the other I start to move a little on his crotch (Im sorry for what will happen next) feeling him get hard already I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in a bit to me and I first kiss him down and up the neck making my way up to his jawline until I reach his lips I pull back and look up into his eyes light brown eyes before crashing my lips onto his and slowly moving them in sync with my own. He grabs my waist and moves me back and forth which makes me moan a little bit before he can hear I bite his bottom lip for entrance he automatically opens his mouth a little so I put my ton-"Okay okay times up now stop making out before I will kill one of you and Diesel go fix yourself you look like you just had some nice rough sex"Akaashi's voice stops us from getting more into it and probably doing it right here.

Akaashi P.O.V

I am practically sick by now if I haven't stopped them me throwing up would've stopped them. I look over at Bokuto to see him smirking at Diesel and Laser and then he laughs at how horrible they look I think. 

*10 minutes later*

So...i am covered in mayo and mustard I think you know why and well let's say other not so pleasant things happened but I don't want to talk about them. I get myself cleaned up before throwing on the swimming trunks Laser gave us to use when we get into the pool so right now, I walk outside to see Bokuto already in the pool and Laser getting some towels down to us But he ends up tripping and falling over one of the towels he dropped and falling into the pool making me Diesel and Bokuto all wet. I start laughing with Bokuto and Diesel at how dumb Laser looked doing that. Until Laser comes out of the pool looking as red as a tomato and charges at Bokuto Diesel and Me straight into the house until......

Jesus the many cliffhangers ah well deal with it. How did you like this one did it make you a little sick like it made Akaashi or did you laugh like Bokuto?? Hope you liked it and DerpyGamer111 don't kill me please for this chapter hehe <('U')> cause I'm special and the one only 

Till next chapter my minions xx-Lucas/Masterchu17

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