The tests.....and more?...

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Diesel P.O.V

So a lot has been happening through this whole time I'm finally 19 and well Bokuto and Akaashi had some fun then oh and they went on a date. And I noticed Laser had been a little different when I'm there. I just can't get my mind on it ah well he would have told me if something was up....right?.....ah I'll find out sooner or later. Well anyway today the tests/exams are starting and let's say I haven't studied anything for them. Well none of us have and by us I mean Laser Akaashi and Bokuto. All we have been doing is partying playing video games or talking about how our days have been and that's all really. I might have seen Laser take Bokuto to the gym for some training and just because Laser always goes to the gym that's why he's the most muscled in our gang. I wonder if the tests are gonna be hard well I am the smart one in our gang so I think I'll be okay, and if you haven't figured out what's who's part in gang then mine is the smart sassy handsome person and Laser is the dirty weird cute person and Akaashi is the quiet funny owl person But Bokuto's is similar kind of his is the comedian owl tallest person haha. I am the unicorn in the group, Akaashi is the young owl, Laser the fox and Bokuto the second young owl. The tests should be starting any minute so wish me luck....

**lunchtime: already done all exams/tests**

Now that went okay I guess I answered all the questions but meh I could be wrong in all of them haha. "So how did the tests/exams go for you guys" Bokuto asks eating his pizza slice sitting on the left side of the table. "They were alright" Me and Akaashi say in unison so we laugh at how creepy it must have seemed. "Has anyone seen Laser he is in but why w-"Sup mates did I miss anything" says Laser coming over to our table looking like he had just ran through a marathon. "Nope nothing really but where have you been" I ask confused to why he would be here late not like its something he doesn't do daily but he isn't usually this late "Oh I have been somewhere yeah somewhere" he says sitting beside Akaashi who i think knows where he has been or what he has been doing. "Laser can I talk to you alone out there" Akaashi asks him before standing up and heading out of the lunch hall leaving me and Bokuto still eating.....

Akaashi P.O.V

"Laser what have you been doing this time," I ask concerned about how many times he has been late like this and in this state. "What do you think Akaashi why do you think oh wait you already know why and good that you and Bokuto are the only people that know because I wouldn't know what I would do if anyone else found out" he says going up and down the corridor looking very worried. " you will be fine Laser I already told you" I calm him down until he gets a text from Kiyo about I don't know yet. "We have to go now go get Diesel and Bokutoand meet me at the immortals broken home" Laser says before running out to his car and drives away I hope it's nothing last time.....

Well how did you like this one haha why do you think Laser is acting weird? And what did Kiyo say in the text to Laser? What does Akaashi know that Diesel doesn't find out soon but for now hope you liked it

Till next chapter my minions-Lucas/Masterchu17

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