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Laser P.O.V


That sound it's familiar am I in heaven or the hospital?? now that's a dumb thing to think haha. I try to move but I can't the only thing I can do is hear the people in the room or near me at least. I wonder what's wrong with me."A-Akaashi w-will h-he be o-okay" that voice it sounds familiar. Diesel. wait he's crying? omg. "I-I don't know Diesel you heard the doctor he's in a coma we can't do anything only wait until he wakes up" Akaashi tries calming Diesel down but Bokuto I can feel him sitting beside me on the bed. "But how like Laser why would you let it bleed like why won't you wake up I want to hear your fucking voice and your dirty jokes that make me roll my eyes just wake up and be fine Laser," Bokuto says before the weight on the bed is lifted when he stands up. I hear the door shutting and the machine going off with my heartbeat. I for sure know one thing when I wake up I might not remember anything but I for sure will remember him. The thought of me possibly not waking up and not being able to see my friends anymore make's a shiver go up my spine.I don't want that to happen...

Why hello my minions :3 sorry I didn't update I was away for the weekend with no Internet and well I got a horrible cold so be happy I updated today :3 anyway hope you liked it

Till next chapter my minions - Lucas/Masterchu17

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