I love you Guys..(Late Special)

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**Laser Quote up top ^^ **

*5 Months later..*

"Bokuto What The Hell are you doing..!?" Akaashi shouted over at his since two months husband, which was playing around with all of the kittens and puppies. Christmas lights, Christmas tree, Friends and Family and always plenty of food, what else could Bokuto and his Friends do not want for a special end of the year celebration. Laser looking as adorable like on the day Bokuto became friends with him, except now he was wearing his Christmas jumper which was making him shine like the bright star which the wise men followed, literally his jumper was covered in fairy lights making him look like a human Christmas tree. Diesel was the most excited, not only was it Christmas but it was also his birthday, which for him meant great gifts from his loved ones, but every year the most important gifts were from Laser. The Smart TV played the next playlist of songs filled for the moment. Laser remembered something, glancing at Bokuto which was gradually making his way to the Christmas tree. Laser leaned down already standing beside the main point of his tiny plan, he wanted to surprise Diesel mostly because it was their first Christmas being a married couple and Laser hoped there would be more, but he also knew that the first one is the only one that really counts. Bokuto stood side by side with Laser smiling holding the gift for Akaashi, Bokuto wasn't rich like Laser and Akaashi, but he knew anything that was deep from inside his heart was the best gift for Akaashi. Laser sighed quite nervous, he didn't want to ruin this both for Diesel and for his best friend and Brother from another mother Bokuto. Diesel grinned humming along to the music playing, not noticing a thing, having the time of his life bobbing his head to the music. Akaashi laughed at Diesel as he made his way over to him, glancing over at Bokuto sneakily, he loved Bokuto he would give him anything just to make him happy because he is his world and universe that the stars fill up every night, every year, every month. Akaashi noticed Laser's guitar on the side of the tree, which seemed quite suspicious to him. The Music stopped after a while, Laser smirked and nodded at Bokuto signalizing for him to get something, Laser reached for his guitar slowly and nervously walking over in front of the massive TV. Laser took a deep breath as Bokuto stood beside him, both Akaashi and Diesel looking at them puzzled at what was gonna happen. Laser's   'Parents'  were smiling away at the both of them, Eleanor making her way over to Diesel and Akaashi with Bouquet's of Roses, one for each of them. "Everyone...First off Merry Christmas..and Thank you for coming...So me and Bokuto have special people in our lives which...we would like to show how much love them.." Laser quite slowly announced, holding his guitar upright.

--Play song here--
---If it doesn't show the song, it is - All I want for Christmas - Mariah Carey--

(P.S I was too tired to write the lyrics)

*After the song*

"Lucas..." Diesel mumbled slowly getting up, he stepped forward standing close as he to his one and only, wrapping his arms tight around Laser, Diesel whispered softly against him. "I love you..so much..". Bokuto smiled as he looked at the couple hugging, Laser's little sister walked over to them and hugged them, kind of, she hugged their thighs. If it wasn't for Eleanor being Laser's sister they would look like a family. Which gave Laser an idea, for later. ( 😉 ) Bokuto turned his head round, but as he did Akaashi kissed him passionately and gently on the lips, Laser glanced over Diesel's head at Akaashi and Bokuto, he always knew they were perfect for each other.

But will it last long......

Well Well Well...The last Chapter of Him...For all the people who read the book even the ones who read right from the beginning...Thank you all...Now...Editing and some add-on content to the shorter chapters...Well anyway. Some Covers for the next Books of the Him series...Pick which ones look good for later works... Hope you all Enjoyed your holidays and Happy Early New Year...

 Hope you all Enjoyed your holidays and Happy Early New Year

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