The clubs and dangerous activities....

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Bokuto P.O.V

Diesel said he was part of a host club and Laser was the leader of a gang called the immortals. I and Laser were walking down the stairs to our next lesson 'Science' but I never really paid attention to anything when I saw him my greek god born from the heavens walk in the same class as I and Laser were going in. We went in and the first thing I see broke me from the inside 'My fucking angel was kissing another guy at the back wall' jealousy and anger were the two things I felt at this moment but covered it up with a fake smile and quickly walked over to the table where Laser sat. 

10 minutes later...

Through this whole lesson, I have been looking at Akaashi just sitting on his MacBook air typing away something that I find interested to know what it is. He never looks up from it hmm this is very interesting and hot in this matter. That bell will one day kill me with its loud annoying sound. While I wait for Laser to pack his books back in his bag I glance at my angel in blue jeans and v neck. "Right man, I gotta ask u if you wanted to join my gang The Immortals what do you say?"Laser asks and I gotta say if he asks then I'm as lucky as winning 50 million pounds so you know my answer "Duh I'm defo joining what do you do in it anyway?"I ask confused because in such a cute guy that leads a gang what could go wrong or bad and plus he is stupid so that's just like if you had a group of children playing Minecraft so they would build some creepy or unreal things. "Oh well, you will see when we get there and start your training and guess what Akaashi asked can he join so I let him,"He asked a little bit worried but still sounded very scary and sexy in some way with his smirk.

Laser P.O.V (Yay!!!)

Now that Akaashi is in my gang and Bokuto-san we have more chances of getting more money and more stuff from our clients and delivery men. "Okay so just follow me and ill show you where the real immortals are,"I say with my signature smirk to Bokuto-san. As we enter the abandoned building where the hideout of the gang is I glance at Bokuto-san and see that he looks scared and worried about the look of the building. "Its alright mate nothing bad is gonna happen if you're close to me okay," I tell him and his shoulders fall down a bit from my words. As we enter I see Kiyo (My younger brother) talking to Seth (his boyfriend)beside the gas bombs and marijuana. Aww, how they look cute together I'm jealous of them. I see that Diesel came with Akaashi but the weird thing is when I look at Bokuto-san He......

Ohhhh!!! cliffhanger haha I'm interested to see what Bokuto was doing, aren't you?. Hope you liked this one it took a while of thinking and brainstorming so yeah don't blame me if there are some sentences don't make sense or some spelling mistakes. There will be a bit more action In the next chapter I promise I will add more P.O.V's in the chapters so yeah.

Till next chapter my minions xx-Lucas/Masterchu17

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