Chapter 3

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Trey's P.O.V

I can't believe I just lost my wife to another nigga. Imma win her back no matter what it takes. I walked out of the house so I wouldn't be around to see Yn leave me for good. I went to my homie Chris house to see what he was up to.

*at Chris's house*

Chr-!she was making out wit anotha nigga?

Me-yeah in my damn house, that shit disrespectful

Chr-yeah man I woulda beat that nigga ass

Me-I did but she stopped us

Chr-so what y'all getting a divorce?

Me-it seems so she said she didn't love me no more

Chr-well then make her love you again

Me-how I'm pose to do that

Chr- look we men were born with the gift of charm, we can charm our ways out of anything

Me-true, so you want me to charm her and make her remember why she married me

Chr- no you listening

Me- ight no problem

Yn P.O.V:::::

I just finished moving my stuff out of the house into my brand new one. I'm gonna miss that house tho that's where trey and I first made love. I wanted to wait til I was married and trey respected that, that's one thing I always loved about trey.

I walked in the new house hand and hand with Jerome .

I didn't realize I was holding Jerome's hand until he pulled me close to him kissing my cheek.

It felt so weird that Jerome was kissing me like we were together, I'm so use to trey kissing me and I'm not sure what that feels like anymore because trey and I haven't been on like able terms lately.

I pulled away from Jerome because he was moving to fast for my speed.

Me-um..I think I was sending mixed signals I'm not ready for a relationship I still basically in one

Jerome-oh my bad maybe I was moving to fast


We stood there in silence for awhile until Jerome broke the silence by asking me what me and trey were gonna do.

Je-so you really gon divorce ole dude

Me-i don't now...I think

Je-well do you need any help unpacking your things?

Me-no I think I'm okay


Me-its getting late...

Je-of course I'll see you soon

He said kissing my forehead and heading out the door.


Je-uh yeah

He said quickly turning to look at me

Me-thanks for everything

Je-what are "friends" for


I closed the door behind me and locked it. I think he was a little upset that I didn't wanna move fast and that I just wanted to be friends for now.

I started unpacking my things and got to work organizing em.

Jerome's P.O.V

Damn I really wanted Yn tonight, I got upset when she said she wasn't ready for a relationship. I'm really not feeling this trey dude he gon punch me in the face like he a G nah man It don't go down like that.

I pulled off and drove to Jessica's place, imma see what she up to.

Yn P.O.V::::

Ugh! I wanted to kiss Jerome but it didn't feel right. When trey told me he loved me he sounded sincere, I've been replaying those words in my head over and over again.

I had the decorators set up my house already so I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor tonight.

I walked up stairs to my room moving boxes everywhere I walked and changed into one of treys t shirts that I had took and got in the bed.

I don't know why I grabbed treys shirt but I did, I've always slept in his shirt even before we were married it just made me feel safe.

Now don't get me wrong I'm still not in love with trey anymore, it's more of a "I got love for you but I don't wanna fuck you."

I finally fell asleep.

Trey P.O.V:::::

Okay stage one in winning Yn back, im gonna do what I did in high school to win her over. I'm going to just try to be her friend for awhile.

Compliment her everyday tell her she's beautiful which she is all day.

I'm gonna take her to places she's never been before.

I'm gonna sing to her over the phone until she falls to sleep in the other end.

I'm gonna love her so hard and we won't ever argue again.

While I'm thinking about what ima do for her let me start off by getting out of this bed wit Alyssa.
Yes Alyssa and I slept together last night but it didn't mean Anything I promise.

She seduced me what's a man gonna do if she's butt ass naked in front of you calling your name?......take a minute to think.

.................that's what I thought!!

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