Chapter 5

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Trey's P.O.V

I was having dance rehearsals with my back up dancers so that's why I asked if Yn wanted to hang out tonight, luckily she was busy. I wonder what she was doing to.

I heard Jerome in the background tell her she was sexy ugh that niggah urks my every nerve.

Just thinking about him makes me clench my jaw and ball up my fist.

I take a break from dancing and go into my dressing room to rest a little.

As soon as I walk in and close the door Alyssa is standing behind the door like some serial killer.

To be honest she scared me a little when I turned around.

T-tf you standing there for

I said while sitting down on the couch and drinking some water.

A-I was waiting for you wanted to scare you

Y-you succeeded

A-good so you miss me

She said jumping on my lap

T-no I didn't

I said pushing her off of me

A-we had sex last week trey com on you know you didn't forget bout me

T-yes I did and that was a mistake but now I'm a changed man I'm faithful

A-you and Yn aren't even together give it a rest damn

T-it doesn't matter if were not together I love her and were gonna be together soon

A-yeah that's why she's on a date with ... What's his name....Jerome. Yeah that's him

I scrunch up my eye brows at what she's saying.

T-how do you know if she is ?

A-I saw her and him holding hands at the mall earlier

I clenched my jaw.

A-see that's why you needa move on

She said wrapping her arms around my waist.

I pull her arms from around me and back up.

T-no I've fucked up before and I'm not Finna fuck up again

A-ugh your so difficult well when you realize how much WE are meant to be call me

With that she walks to the door I follow her and open it and there stood Yn.


I'm sweating and Alyssa is acting like she's butting up her shirt so i know exactly how it looked.

Alyssa blew a kiss to me and walked away winking at Yn.

T-Yn -

Y-save it I should've known you weren't gonna change

She said on the verge of tears.

I pull her into the dressing room and clothes the door.

T-Yn I swear on my life I ain't touch that girl I just got done dancing with the back up dancers and she was sitting in here when I got here and I told her my love for you that's all that happened I promise.

I said with all sincerity.

Y-why should I believe you

T-because you can ask them out there I just finished dancing and why would I fuck up when I'm tryna win you back ?

Y-whatever I just came by to give you these papers

She gives me the starting agreement papers to get a legal separation.

I take em and toss em on one of the dressers.

Y-your not gonna sign em ?

T-I don't want a divorce

Y-please we've been through this already


I sign the papers and hand them to her.

T-are we still on for tonight ?

Y-yeah..see you tonight

T-aight bye beautiful


She said blushing and walking out.

I love it when I make her blush.

:::later that night:::

I put on some sweats some nike slides and a v-neck. I then through on my hoodie and walked out to my car with my keys twirling on my finger.

I told Yn I was gonna pick her up at 8 but it's 7 and I wanna suprise her before she gets dressed fancy.

I pull up in her driveway and make my way it her door. I knock 2 times before she answers.

"Trey what are you doing here it's only 7:15." She asked confused

She was wearing sweats and nike slides as well with a tank top. I guess we twins almost.

Her hair was on top of her head in a messy bun and she had on her glasses which she never wears cuz she has contacts all the time.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder locking the door behind me and walked her to my car.

"Put me down trey." She said frustrated

I put her down in the passenger seat and walked around to the drivers side.

I looked at her and she had her arms crossed like she was mad at me but i know she liked it.

"You mad at me ma ?" I asked pouting

"Yes, you didn't even let me get dressed."

"I didn't want you to, don't you see me." I laughed

She scoffed and looked out the window.

when I arrived at my house I got out and went to her side of the car.

"Com on ma." I said grabbing her hand and helping her out of the car

"What are we doing here trey ?"

"It's a suprise."

We walked to the door and I unlocked it and opened it.

When I turned on the light I walked her to the living room. I showed her all her favorite movies and all the movies that she wanted to see but was to busy to see.

They were layer out on the table and I went into the kitchen and came back out with a huge bucket of hot popcorn and some chocolates.

She loves to eat chocolate with popcorn, I don't know why thoe.

I bring two bottles of half frozen cokes and two blankets.

I turn the tv on and stand infront of her.

"So what you say to movie night ?" I said hopefully

"This is so sweet trey I can't remember the last time we did this."

She hugged me and for some reason this hug felt different it felt like sitting ona cloud counting millions.

"So which movie you wanna watch first ?"

Um...she scanned through thee taps and said "lady and the tramp."

I really don't like watching movies over and over again but I'd do it for her.

I pop the movie in and sit next to her on the couch.

I wasn't to close and I wasn't to far I was just right.

I don't love you anymore (trey songz story)Where stories live. Discover now