Chapter 16

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Treys P.O.V

3 hours ago they called me back here to keep Yn calm but she's not calm! She's yelling at me and sweating and screaming every minute it's just like it was when she had Imani.

T-babe chill out he's gonna come soon

Y-when Trey ?! You did this to me ! Don't ever put your hands on me again !

T-babe that's what you said when you had Imani.

I laughed.

Y-you think this is funny trey ?! Look at me I'm in pain and your laughing !

T-I'm laughing because after all this your gonna go straight to sleep and wake all happy! Your bipolar !

Y-ugh ! I can't stand you trey this is why we're getting a divorce

T-so were still going through with that ?

Y-yes trey we aren't meant to be

T-yes we are we just needa stop butting heads

Y-how are we gonna stop butting heads when every corner we turn one of us makes a mistake and leaves the other broke hearted

T-everybody makes mistakes it's apart of life bae we just gotta work at it

Y-work at it my as-*GCO


T-you okay baby

Y-these contractions are a motherfucka

T-I know

Y-no you don't !!

T-okay I don't damn


*6 hours later*

Doctor-here's your son congratulations

The doctor said handing him over to Yn.

He looks like me, except he has Yn's eyes but he has my hair and skin color and smile.

I do think he's mine I just wanna make sure.

Doctor-what are we naming him ?

I looked over at Yn. can't be trey jr there's already one in the family

T-how bout Cameron Devun Songz (accent in Devon but with a u)

Yn smiled and agreed.

She was holding him when someone knocked on the door.

Y-come in

The person stepped in the room and my face turned from joy to anger.

T-what are you doing here

J-I came to see my son

T-he's not your son

J-wasn't I the last one to have sex with her

He smirked.

T-she was already pregnant when you fucked her dumbass

The smirk on his face instantly went away.

He clenched his jaw and squeezed the teddy bear in his hands.

J-well I want a DNA test

Y-fine !

I looked at Yn who was breast feeding Cameron.

T-babe not in front of him

J-why I already seen em before

He said bringing back that stupid ass smirk.

I started to punch the shit out of him but my son was in the room.

The doctor walked back in with the birth certificate and a pen.

Doctor-here you are Mr.Songz

He said handing me the certificate and a pen to sign it with.

J-no I should sign that's my son

T-bruh how many times I gotta tell you he's not your son

J-prove it

T-doctor can we get a DNA test

Doctor-yeah sure if it's okay with Mrs.Songz

Y-yeah it's coo with me

The doctor left out of the room to get it started.

J-what you gon do when they say he's mine

T-I'm not gon do nothing cuz he ain't yours

Y-stop arguing over my son

J-sorry babe

T-call her babe again

I said through clenched teeth.

J-oh my bad she was my babe 9 months ago

I went charging at him but the doctor came in.

Doctor-we have the results Ms.Songz

Jerome and I both stood there nervous and anxious of what the doctor would say.

Doctor-Tremaine Songz you are 99.9999 the father.

I ain't gon lie I was cheesing hard.

T-thank you doctor

The doctor walked out of the room to give is privacy.

T-you thought you were gonna take car of my son huh

I laughed.

J-man forget you she'll be back then I'll pop a baby to her

He winked.

The grin instantly wiped off my face.

T-get out

J-nope not until Yn tells me to

I looked over at Yn who was playing with Cameron, I know she heard us.

Y-Jerome leave

She said still looking at the baby.

He walked out without saying anything else, I hope that niggah gone forever.

I went back to Yn and picked up Cameron.

Y-aye how you gon jack my baby

T-it's my turn

Y-what I've only had him for 5 minutes

T-no you got to hold him for 9 months my turn

Y-so you gon keep my baby for 9 months


Cameron started smiling at me so I smiled back.

T-he stole your face

Y-mine he looks like you trey

T-yeah he does

I hope this baby brings us closer cause I really love my family and I don't wanna lose em.

Right now everything is going great but I know it's a matter of
Time before everything goes wrong again .

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