Chapter 8

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Yn's P.O.V

I'm riding in the car with Jerome because I just can't stand treys cocky behavior. Some times it's cute because a man with confidence is sexy but sometimes it's just arrogant and rude.

They were arguing for no reason, but I'm not gonna lie spending time with trey was fun.

It was like we were back in high school again, and I like that feeling.

We were pretty silent the whole way to my house.

It's kinda creepy how Jerome came looking for me, we've only known each other for a couple of months and I already feel uncomfortable.

We finally pulled up in my driveway and before I got out Jerome stopped me.

J-look I'm sorry I started mess with trey and I'm sorry I went looking for you that was stalky shit

Y-it's coo but I'm tired can we talk tomorrow or something

J-aight I'll talk to you tomorrow


I get out the car without looking back at Jerome and go inside. I go upstairs to my bedroom and strip out of my clothes jumping right into the shower washing all the negativity and drama in my life.

I get out and dry my hair tying it into a messy bun. I lay in bed for 30 minutes thinking about everything before falling asleep.

I just wish my life was easier.

?? P.O.V

This Yn bitch has got to go, she's messing up me and treys relationship.

I told Jerome that she was at treys house and I followed him there. I had my microphone listening to there conversation.

All I have to do is get Yn to fall for Jerome and then trey and I can be a happy family.

Treys P.O.V

I sent a Yn a text last night but I guess she's still mad at me.

I'm Finna chill with my homeboys at the mall so I can get my mind off something's.

I drive to Augusts house and knock on his door. He comes to the door immediately while looking behind him.

Au-calm down I told you she my cousin

He yells to his baby mama Nicki.

N-your a fucking liar august I hate you get the fuck out !

She says throwing a bottle of lotion at him.

Au-mane calm yoself woman

He said walking out slamming the door behind me.

We get in the car and take off.

T-mane you gotta stop disrespecting lil mama and hurting her like that

Au-why you assume I started it ?

We both hushed the we broke out in laughter.

T-mane foreal do wits time for you to settle down and put the playa life style aside

Au-I don't know man I like having multiple girls

T-but you have a girlfriend I see if you didn't but you do

Au-mane when did you start with this faithful shit

T-when I lost the best thing that ever happened to me

Au-well I don't know if I wanna marry nicki she's mean

I laugh.

T-well do you love her

Au-of course

T-can you see yourself growing old with her ?


T-can you imagine being without her ?

T-then wtf is stopping you from making her your forever because once she's gon she's gon

He sat there in silence I guess he was thinking about what I said.

We pulled into the mall parking lot, I parked the car and we got out.

Au-so what store we hitting up first ?

T-footlocker no doubt

We walked to footlocker and as soon as we walked in girls flew to us asking us to sign pieces of paper,shoes and there bodies parts.

We signed a few then bought 4 pairs of shoes each.

We were walking to game stop to buy the new gta 5 game but I got sidetracked when I saw a necklace in the window of a jewelry store.

That would look beautiful on Yn I thought to myself. I walked into the store going straight to the register lady.

T-can I buy that necklace please ?

I said pulling out my wallet.


She said unlocking the class case and handing me the box with the necklace inside.

I give her my black card as she wraps my gift in a bag. I put my card back in my wallet and walk out of the store.

I go over to game stop to see august flirting with two girls. I tapped on his shoulder as he gave me a "wtf mane" look. Then he finally caught on and dismissed the ladies.

We bought two gta 5 games Then left out if game stop. We shopped for about 3 hours then I dropped august of fat his crib.

I decided to go to Yn's house to give her here gift.

When I pulled up in her driveway I saw that bitch Jerome's car sitting outside.

I blasted my beats and decided to wait for her to finish talking to that punk niggah.

About an hour later that niggah came walking out of Yn's house with Yn following behind. They didn't see my car yet so I just sat there and watched.

They were talking but then Jerome leaned in for a kiss and Yn kissed back. Tf?!

I jumped out of the car slamming the door behind me making them just stare at me with wide eyes.

T-wtf is this ?!

I asked angry

Y-t-trey what are you doing here ?

Yn asked nervously.

T-why are you kissing this dude ?!

J-why you worried

Jerome said with that shank smirk on his face.

T-was I talking to you knock off Stevie j

J-Idgaf who you was talking to I answer for my woman

T-she doesn't want you man she's known you for a month and she's known me since high school ! I was her first love, her first kiss , her first period !

J-well ima be her first baby daddy

Y-stop ! You guys are ignorant

J-I'm sorry baby just tryna keep this bitch niggah in his place

T-this is my place your trespassing !

Y-Jerome just stop

J-what I'd do

Y-just go home

He stood there in silence for awhile.

J-whatever you say babe I see you later

He said glaring at me then walking to his car and driving off.

T-damn that's foul Yn how you gon be kissing in him and then kissing on me ?!

Y-ugh ! Shut up trey you kissed many bitches and came home kissing me now you wanna complain

T-I admit you deserve way better than me but I love you and I'm nothing without you. I didn't realize what I had til I lost and I want you back baby. Please if you give me one more chance I promise I will be the best husband you ever will have.

We stood in silence for 10 minutes then she spoke.

Y-I don't know trey you really hurt me, you disregarded my feelings completely fucking these tricks basically in front of my face the disrespect was outrageous treys Nd you expect me to forgive you like that.

T-I'm sorry but what else do you want me to say...I fucked up big time and lost the best thing that ever happened to me.

Y-whatever Trey I heard it all before how do I know your foreal this time ?

T-I am really I'd do anything for you.....and to you

I winked

She laughed and pushed me gently.

Y-shut up

I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me.

T-I got you something

Y-what ?

She said with a little excitement.

I pulled out the box with the necklace inside and handed it to her.

She opened it and her eyes got big and so did her smile.

Y-aww thanks trey

She say hugging me tight. I hugged back never wanting to I let go of this precious gift God sent me.
She released from my hug but I didn't let her go, I leaned in and kissed her like the world was ending tomorrow.

She kissed back as I backed her up into the house lifting her off her feet and carrying her upstairs.

I got to her room and laid her on the bed hovering over her. I lifted up and took off my shirt. I leaned back down and kissed her neck.

I kissed from her neck to her chest to her nable then............ERKKKK!

You thought I was gonna get R-rated didn't you nope not yet.

But they did do the nasty I just ain't getting in detail ya no don't be mad

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