"Red Metal" -FACE family-

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Author's Note:

Before you read!

Please listen to the song 'Moon and Me' from The Addams Family musical.
Here's the link to the song: https://youtu.be/QYvPeSTS5zY


Berlin. That was where everyone is headed. Berlin. The safe haven that was spoken about before the apocalypse even began. Berlin. It was still holding up high and tight. It still was a safe haven. Berlin. Where every living nation traveled to go to. It was the main goal in mind; the main reason they are all alive. They had to get to Berlin. Berlin was where everything would be mended and saved. That was where they had to go.


Francis sat in the driver's seat, eyes locked on the road before him. He managed to find a well working truck a couple miles from where their cabin was. It was best of luck since vehicles like these were scarce to come by. Matthew sat in the passenger seat, eyes scanning the passing scenery around them. Arthur sat in the back seat next to Alfred, who ever so slightly curled up against the corner of the door and back of his seat.

Let's get one thing straight: they were not okay. They were not the 'perfect' family in the apocalypse. Perfection does not exist. Individually they were not okay. Since he woke up, the Brit had been a bit dull in mind. There had been times where he zoned out or forgot certain things and had to be reminded. No, it wasn't something significant (yet) but it was  just a little set back. Francis took notice of this but didn't mention it since it wasn't that big. Maybe it'll wear off..

Adding onto that, Arthur and Francis hadn't seen their sons for months. All that time from when they last saw each other to their reunion was a mystery. From the time they were reunited, Francis had kept a keen eye on the two boys, taking note of every odd quality they had. Arthur had started to do the same, especially with Alfred.

Arthur sighed as the car droned on down the road as he recalled the conversation he and Francis shared before they took off.

"Something seems off.." Francis had said. "When I first saw them, they didn't appear like the boys we knew in the past. I don't know exactly what but there is something wrong."

"I know, I can sense it too." Arthur had responded. "I worry about them, Francis. I do. We may have gotten them back but there's something off about it."

Francis nodded, scratching the back of his head uncomfortably. "Listen. How about this: you watch Alfred and I'll watch Matthew. Let's just watch them and keep an eye to see if they are okay and.. just to make sure they are well. I don't want to be direct and ask them about things in case they don't wish to talk about it..."

And, that's what they agreed on. From the car ride to however longer, Arthur would watch Alfred and Francis would watch Matthew. Henceforth where they sat in the car. Both fathers were very concerned with their sons and having the fortune and blessing of being with them again they wanted to make sure they took care of the two as much as they could.

Arthur glanced over at Alfred and saw him lean against the car door. His eyes were unblinking and stared down at his lap. His hands were clasped together in his lap and occasionally scratched his palms. His body was stiff where he sat despite the lack of danger around them. Arthur looked at Francis' composure. His was relaxed and his movements were smooth. He looked back at Alfred. Alfred was hard and choppy with every slight movement he made. That wasn't good.

Francis looked at Matthew from the corner of his eye. The Canadian never took his eyes off of the land they traveled through. His purple hues were hard and alert every passing second. Unlike Alfred, Matthew seemed a bit more relaxed. Stance wise, he wasn't stiff. He was calm, yet he wasn't. It was hard to put a description to it and Francis couldn't piece it together. The Frenchman noticed that with such swiftness, Matthew would glance over at Alfred. Why? Ah, Francis refrained himself from looking at Alfred since Arthur was watching him.

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