chapter 5

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i'll upload again today so do not worry. thanks for the love. enjoy reading.


Sara POV

             "your hands are on fire!" Keyisha screamed. i look down at my hands, yup. they were on fire.

"oh hell." i began flapping my hands. nothing happen. "ahh!" what should i do, Keyisha grab Henry and was already at the door.

              "do something" scream Keyisha making Henry wake.

 "i don't know what" how the hell fire get on my hands? i stop. looking down at my arms then at Keyisha. "i dodn't hurt" it really didn't. it was just like that time in the alley.

       "my hands were on fire in the alley and it didn't hurt, it did kill those beast" it must be a witch thing.

  "ok, then how did it stop?"

"i-i-i" i really don't know. " i turn my head to my phone on the dresser table. " re-call the last number." she did like she was told. on the first ring it was pick up.

          "hello," keyisha said into the phone still looking at my hands.

 "who's this? where is my granddaughter. put her on the phone." i heard my grandma demand, then a please came after.

         i couldn't take the phone since my hands or on fire " talk for me"

      " explain what happen?" Keyisha hesitate for a second before nodding.  i listen as she explain everything. after she was finishing grandma didn't say anything so i wonder if she didn't know what to do. then i heard her say, 

          "calm down. " she began "take deep breaths. still your racing heart." i did like she told me. i smile in relief when i saw that my hands were going fire les. fire gone i reach for my phone but stop, i didn't want to take any chances. looking i pick up a spoon. it didn't caught on fire so it should be ok.

              " thanks grandma." i told her.

 she chuckle " you seems to have had a adventure" silence "come home, please. i'll teach your everything you need to know"

          " no, grandma, i need learn things on my own first. then i'll come home. i don't know when but i'll see you soon." before i could end the call she called back.


"yes, ok. let me help you with this." i heard a deep sight. " your powers get stronger with your emotions. sometimes it might happen when your not expecting it. i'm guessing you were angry when your hands caught on fire" i nod as if she could see it.

         "fire comes from your angier. so the more angry you are the better." pause. " i love you Sara, take care of yourself." with that i hang up the phone. i turn back to Keyisha then Henry. taking a deep breath i gesture for her to sit back when she did i began my story watching her face going from sadness, angry, confusion, scared then affection. after i was finishing we sat silence. listening to Henry's breathing.

          "i don't know what to do." Keyisha said, never did i. but we couldn't stay lock up in a motel room for ever. we both have over problems, so in a way we're not different. i could give her half of my money so she could try to get away from Henry's father but the wolf in me didn't want to do that. it wanted to protect her and her child.

             "ok, here's what we'll do..."


do you like it? any thing confuse you? sorry if it's short. should Sara forgive Jordan her mate or move on?





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