Chapter 2

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I was stuck awake by myself for  a half hour before Dallas woke up. I found nothing for food, just things that shouldn't be in kitchen cupboards. Dallas had literally just gotten up when I flopped down beside him.

"Hurry up so we can eat. I took some cash off of Merrill" I told him.
"Calm down, man! I just got up, man!" he groaned.
"Wait, did you say you took it? Does he know?" He asked as he sat up. His disastrous hair was a mess.

"He ain't my buddy so I don't care" I said.
"Jumping right to breaking the law" Dallas approvingly .
"Got any plans today?" I asked him as he got dressed.
"Me? Nah. You?" He asked doing up his belt.
"No" I sighed sitting at the end of the bed.

"Where you wanna eat?" Dallas asked pulling his shirt over his head.
"Somewhere good, I'm starved" I said grabbing my jacket. Fall was getting colder and colder.
"There's a diner down on Queen, it's pretty good" He said putting his own on.

We were both walking zombies thanks to Buck and his goddamn parties. Dallas cursed at a bunch of kids saying something along the lines of "get the fuck outta my way" followed by "I hate kids" to which I said "buddy you're still a kid" and that's how the argument started.

"I am not! I'm sixteen! What're you? Oh that's right fifteen! I may not be a math genius but I can tell ya fifteen is less than sixteen!" He said.
"I never said I wasn't a kid, AND you's ain't an adult till you're like twenty there, skipper" I said as I opened the door to the diner.

"If we're gonna be like that then I ain't no kid, I'd be a teenager then wouldn't I?" he said proud of his comeback as we sat down.
"Still a kid in most peoples books" I smiled at how mad he was getting over this.
"You know what? Fuck you" he said before slouching in his seat and waving the waitress over.

"What can I get you youngsters today?" She asked sweetly. She was an older lady. I could see that glare in Dally's eyes, god I love pissing him off.

"Coffee to start" I said as I grinned at Dallas.
"Sure thing" and then she was gone.
"Say Daller, did Timmy ever tell about the time we jumped that one gang from out west?" I asked him. "Wasn't it twenty on fifteen? Tim fucked his nose- big surprise there, and Jody was pissed? Beat a guy black and blue?" He asked.
"He tells you everything" I sighed as I slouched back in my chair.
"He does the same to you! How else would our great friendship have started?" He said smug slouching further in his chair.

"You race at seven right?" He asked.
"Yeah, Dave Russell's thinks he's an all star, so I've got to fix that" I said as the lady came back with coffee.
"Give us the special" Dall told the lady.
"Two specials" she repeated as she left.
"What's the special?" I asked. "Don't know" he shrugged as I laughed.
"I'm gonna kill you" I said as he grinned.
"I'd like to see you try" he smirked as he drank from his cup before spitting the coffee back in.
"Fuck it's hot!"

The special was was some soup that tasted like toilet water. Don't ask why I know what that tastes like.

"Dammit Dall, this is why you let me order 'cause you'll get the piss warm soup that taste like shit" I complained.
"Fine! Next time you can order!" He said getting tired of listening to my complaining.
"Next time?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"If there's a next time" He corrected he was embarrassed, wasn't showing it but I knew he was.
"Move it kids I ain't got all day!" He barked at the same kids from an hour ago.

"Lady what's wrong with him?" A kid asked bluntly. I couldn't stop laughing.
"I wouldn't know kid" I laughed. Dallas scared them off while I laughed my ass off.
"Shut up or you're next" he said as he shoved his fists in his pockets of his jacket.
"Like hell" I smiled as we continued on our way to the Curtis house.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now