Chapter 23

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"Who do you think you are?"

The line that starts many shit shows. Whether it's because someone thinks you don't belong in the captains seat, because you've been a douche, or what have you, it's never good. That is how this shit show happened, and I plead guilty as charged. Yes in part it was my fault, it was also Mare's in my defence, and everyone that just stood there.

"Who do you think you are?!" I yelled at Pony outside his house. Steve and Two-Bit hung back behind the gate, pretending to be refs.

"You go drink tea with money sacks when you're a goddamn hood! You are grease Ponyboy Curtis, you're a Curtis, you're JD!" I yelled at him. "You shut the fuck up" he said through his teeth. "What are you gonna do about? Sit and talk about it? Ain't that how those types do it?" I asked.

That motherfucker clocked me across the face. I felt blood drip down my cheek.
"Are you stupid?!" I screamed at him before going to town on him.

It was Two-Bit that pulled me off and tried to keep the peace. He's a peaceful guy. If he didn't pull me off I can honestly say I might've killed him. He's never drawn blood. He knows better than to.

"Two-Bit he fucking drew blood! I can't just sit there I do nothing!" I yelled. "You beat him up Jane! He's Soda's brother!" Two-Bit said. "No, that fuck ain't nobody's brother. He ain't mine, he ain't Darry's, and he sure as hell ain't Soda's!" I yelled fighting against Two-Bit.

"What the hell do you think you're doing you pricy fuck?" Steve was lite up. A "Kick his ass Steve" was stuck in my throat as Two-Bit held me to the truck and we watched.

"You know I never fucking liked you" Pony said and he brought his arm back. It happened slow. His arm came back and suddenly went flying to Steve. A loud crack followed.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Was what Steve yelled. "YOU'RE DEAD MARE!" I yelled fighting against Two-Bit's hold. "STEVE!" Two-Bit yelled. "Move your bitch ass!" Steve yelled at Pony shoving him to the ground. I pushed Two-Bit off and followed Steve into the house.

"Did he break it?" I asked getting paper towel. "Yeah that fucker did!HE BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE! THAT FUCKER IS SO DAMN LUCKY!" Steve yelled furious. He was twitching. He was trying real hard not to go a kill the fuck.
"I'll ring Doc Shepard" I said heading to the phone.

"Wait tiny Curtis did what?" Tim asked. "He's a fuck Tim I'm gonna kill him. How do I fix Steve's nose?" I asked while Steve cursed behind me. "What kind of break?" Tim asked. "Oh my fucking God! Tim get your ass over here and fix it!" I yelled then hung up.

There was bloody paper towel all over the floors and all over Tim's hands. "Well Stevie, you're stylin' now. Welcome to the Broken Nose gang" Tim laughed pulling Steve up. "Thanks man" Steve said. "Anytime man" Tim nodded.

"So the fucker did that?" He asked again for the fifth time. "What the hells wrong with him? I mean yeah he hangs with Curly but Curly ain't that bad yet" Tim said amazed almost. "He knows his range, who's off limits, when to draw blood, when not to. God damn" Tim said shaking his head. "I woulda killed him"
"If he don't stop he's going six feet under" I said grim.

"Why is Tim's car here and why are Pony and Two-Bit outside?" Darry asked as he came inside. He stopped in his tracks.
"Jane tell me that was you or Tim" He said once he saw Steve. Soda was gonna snap. I hadn't even thought about him. Pony was fine, a little bump maybe but he's fine. Stevie on the other hand, broken nose. Soda wouldn't give a fuck if I had a cut, I don't expect him to. Ponyboy broke his best friends nose.

"Jane why can't you try-" Soda stopped short when he came inside. "What the hell happened to him?! Why is Tim here?!" Soda asked. "Got called in for a broken nose repair" Tim said. "You did this?" Soda asked me. "Why would I break Steve's nose? I ain't got no reason to" I said. "Did-?" Soda asked.

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