Chapter 17

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Over the next month everyone dealt with Johnny's death in their own special way. Darry worked out more. Soda smoked a little more. Steve was pissier than usual, broke more things. Two-Bit quit drinking so much. Pony started failing.  Darry was hounding him a lot more 'cause Pony was slacking off. Dallas drank more. I drank a little more, so what? A little booze here and there didn't kill no one, and neither does a smoke. Soda wasn't at the house much anymore. Always at Steve's. Two-Bit didn't smile as bright as he used to. I don't think Dallas has been out of jail for more than two days this month. I myself can't talk really, I've had about a week out. Mr. Simmons let us off for a while, has his son working in there for a while to "straighten him out and do him some good"  yeah right.

On this particular night I had some whiskey. Not very good whiskey, cheap whiskey because Tim is too cheap to make some investments in good whiskey. I was sitting on the couch looking at a blank TV because I couldn't be bothered to turn it on. Jody and Tim went out seeing as they fixed their little problem. Dallas wasn't around so I got the house to myself. The phone rang but I didn't answer it. Couldn't be bothered. It was probably someone calling to tell me someone was in shit again or that someone died again. Give or take about a half hour later Dallas came over.

"Couldn't pick up the phone?" He asked slamming the door. "Couldn't stay out of jail for a week?" I asked before taking another swig of the cheap whiskey. I swear Tim bought it for ten cents. "Where the fucks the whiskey?" He asked shoving stuff around in the kitchen I'd guess. "You mean the ten cent whiskey? Half way gone" I said looking at the bottle. "Give it here" he said coming into the living room. "No" I said holding the bottle against my chest. "Give it here, couldn't pick me up the least you could do is give me shit whiskey" he said. "Least I could do? Least I could do? Buddy" I crackled. "If I didn't tear a strip off you, you'd be six feet under with old Johnny boy" I said before taking another drink. Everything after that was a bit of a blur. Lots of yelling done by both of us. It's the same thing day in and day out since Johnny went. Dallas and I haven't been too well. Yelling and screaming, that's pretty much all we do, but tonight I got up grabbed my jacket and took the whiskey with me to the door. "Don't fucking walk out on me!" Dallas yelled. "Watch me!" I yelled. I ran into a few things before Dallas got ahold of me. "You ain't walkin' out on me" he said grabbing the wrist of the hand with my jacket. "Fuck you, if you want to go and die be my guest. See if I care! I can even put you there!" I yelled pulling away and walking out of the house.

I walked the streets yelling at cars as they went by. Asking if they knew why the whiskey was so bad. Cars seemed liked they'd know why. Cars fixed all of life's problems. Unless you have debt, then maybe not so much. "We're all gonna die~!" I sang stumbling along. When in doubt, or whatever this was, sing. "Poof off the face of the motherfucking earth!" I said raising the whiskey bottle up. "WhooOooOOoooO" I hollered. No one stopped to say hi to me, which was rude no? "Assholes" I cursed before tripping over my own feet and falling into the grass of the park. "Down we go! Not six feet though" I said before laughing. I rhymed and the grass tickled. "Don't drink cheap whiskey!" I yelled to anyone who could hear. "Whiskey, whiskey and a good song, that's how you live" I said. I wonder what Soda's doing? He'd want a drink. "Imma comin'!" I yelled sitting up. Street lights were so bright. I don't know why we don't just use them instead of the sun.

At the Curtis house, I was polite and knocked. "SooOoda" I called leaned against the door frame as I knocked. "Sooooodaaaa" I called. I went to take another drink but the whiskey was all gone. "Where'd it go?" I asked tipping it upside down. "Fuck" I frowned. "Jane! What the hell are you doing here?" Soda answered the door. "Soda!" I said throwing my arms up. "How ya been buddy?" I asked throwing and arm around him and let myself in. "You wanna go out drinkin'? Get Two-Bit and Steve, go out for some good shit" I said as he sat me down in a chair. "Can I see this?" He asked holding his hand out. "Sure, but it's empty" I frowned handing the bottle over. "Whiskey? Cheap? Christ Jane" Soda said putting the bottle on the counter. "I know, I know. It's all Tim had. Cheap bastard" I said leaning back in the chair. "So you up for drinkin'?" I asked hopeful. "No Jane it's one in the morning. Where's Dallas?" He asked. "Last I saw he was at Tim's. What do you mean no? It's eleven o'clock somewhere" I said sitting up. "Why ain't you at Tim's then?" Soda asked. "What are you doin'? Writin' a book?" I asked defensively. "Did yous have another blow out?" He asked, sounding worried. "Fine, you don't wanna go out I know who will" I said standing up. "And who's that?" He asked. "Bucky Merrill" I said heading to the door. "You ain't goin' to Merrill's" Soda said. "Why not? You gonna stop me?" I asked heading to the door. "No, I am" Darry said coming out of his bedroom. Hey maybe he'll wanna drink. "Hey Darry!" I said in a nicer tone. "Wanna go out for a drink?" I asked hopeful. "Jane take a seat, I'll fix you one up right now" he said. See someone wants to drink! "Haha see Soda, Darry's even drinking" I said sitting back down.

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