Chapter 10

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"His eye? Really?" I asked Dallas. Buck's house was loud.

Fucking Hank Williams was blasting out of the house. Stupid girls giggling and drinking only making it worse. Stupid guys sounding like cowboy fucks hollering at each other. I don't know how people don't kill each other, they're so fucking irritating.

"What can I say?" He grinned from on the bed.
"He fucked my ribs again" he defended.
"You slashed his tires" I pointed out.
"Because I was bored" he said as if it was the best excuse in the world. "Let me see how bad it is" I said taking my jacket off.

No point in going to Tim's, he's pissed and the Curtis house is too far.

"If you wanted me to take my shirt off you could've just asked" he smirked. It wasn't terribly bad, I've seen him with worse.
"You'll be lucky if you have any ribs left" I said as I undid my shoes.
"It ain't my fault I can't stay outta trouble" He said laying back down. "I swear if Buck wasn't my riding partner I'd shoot him, Hank Williams, fuckin' country, every damn night!" He yelled.

"Time?" I asked laying down beside him.
"Twelve, doubt we'll get any sleep till around three" he replied.

This Hank Williams music is going to be the death of me. There were loud Yee's and Haw's. I am so glad Dallas doesn't talk like that, I would've punched him the day I met him if he did, speaking if punching Dallas I almost did the first day I met him. I had never met such an arrogant asshole, such a crude boy. But Tim urged me to stick around, sure enough here I am just as bad.

For the rest of the night we shot the shit, broke a few things, and dicked around like usual. I had just about fallen asleep when Buck came in.

"A pony and Donny are here for Dallas" He said.

I could never handle living in the country, especially with country hicks with accents as thick as Buck's. It's like sandpaper on my nerves.

"A pony and Donny? Buck what the hell?" I asked.
"I dunno. Two boys" he shrugged. "Didn't know Dallas was a charity" he smirked.
" I ain't no charity Buck. Shut it or you'll lose more than a few teeth" Dallas threatened as he rolled out of bed. He shoved Buck out and down the stairs if my ears don't deceive me.

How did I even end up here? All because I wanted to live a little. Now I'm living a lot I guess if that's how you look at it. An illegal life, reckless, wouldn't go back. But I would take the money and get Pony and them outta this shit hole.

"Dry off" Dallas ordered. I opened an eye and saw Johnny and Ponyboy sitting on the end of the bed.
"Hey guys" I said sitting up.
"What are yous doin' he- how did you manage to get a gun?" I asked very awake at the sight of the gun in Dallas's hands.
"Johnny here knifed a Socs" Dallas said with a grin.
"Not too bad" I grinned as my stomach dropped.
"And I thought York was the only place I could get caught in a murder rap" He sighed.

They didn't know about Morgans. Dallas was telling them what to do. I didn't hear much of it because I was still trying to grasp the fact that Johnny, soft, harmless Johnny, knifed someone, a Socs none the less.

"Hey" I said as they headed to the door.
"Don't cause too much trouble" I smiled. The boys were white as ghosts. Dallas shooed them out and closed the door behind them.

Johnny knife a person? Johnny is the type of guy that would rather have the beating then give it and he knifed a Socs. Johnny Cade knifed a Socs. Johnnycakes, the puppy that got kicked too many times knifed a Socs. Dallas came in and sat at the end of the bed running his fingers through his hair.

"Christ Dallas, he knifed him?" I asked once the door closed. "Mmhmm" he said casually.
"Not much we can do know I guess" I said laying back down. "Help them lay low I guess" I said. I felt sick.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now