Chapter 21

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"GUYS I FUCKED SHIT UP REAL GOOD!" Tim yelled as he basically broke the door into his house down. "THOSE HICKS ARE MIGHTY ANGRY NOW!" He said on cloud nine. "CALL EVERYONE, THEY GOT NUMBERS, IM GETTING THE GANG FROM LAST TIME OVER, IM GETTIN' EVERYONE. THIS IS GOING TO BE ANOTHER FIGHT THAT'LL GO DOWN IN THE BOOKS!" He said. I'd be lying if I wasn't getting pumped. There's a reason Tim runs the Shepard gang, he's a force to be reckoned with and he can get a crowd hyped up in seconds.

"Tim slow down!" Jody yelled. He could get everyone but Jody, most of the time. "Time, place, weapons or no? Tim we need more info" She said. "I got it all baby. One week from today at exactly eight thirty, everything is fair game except fire arms, at the lot. Don't worry Jody, ladies are encouraged to show" He said so excited I thought he might explode. "Well don't just sit there! Get off your asses and call everyone up!" He yelled.

Dallas and I got the Curtis gang and the ladies together at the lot. "Hey guys" I said as the all gathered around. "Our good old buddy Tim Shepard got the hicks fired up" I said and I kid you not I thought Darry was gonna leave. "We need everyone we can get, Mary and Laura, I understand fighting ain't your thing, but it'd be one hell of a fight" Dallas said and I tried not to smile. "No firearms, everything else goes, one week, eight thirty, here at the lot" I said. "You guys in?" I asked.

"Damn right we are!" Two-Bit hollered. Laura and Mary looked nervous, worried. Kat knew enough to stay alive. Pony didn't seem to want to either. "No pussies here!" I said only pissing Pony off. When Darry says no I have a feeling that'll take care of it. "Don't worry guys, it's like dancing, just don't get your tits chopped off" I told Mary and Laura.

"Laura my grandma can hit harder than that and she's dead" I said standing with my side to her. I was the punching bag, not that it hurt, it felt like a cat was hitting me. "Be aggressive!" I yelled. "Mary-Jane FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HIT ME DAMMIT!" Dallas yelled. Mary looked like she was about to cry. She wasn't up for fighting. "Laura take five" I said walking over to Dallas and Mary.

"Mary, go take five" I said and she eagerly went over to Laura. "You can't yell at Mary, it won't do anything. You gotta get her fired up" I told him. "All I ever had to do with you was yell and you were there" He smiled. "Fuck off" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Mary, come here" I said walking over. "Jane I can't do it, I just can't" She said clearly upset. "Mary, it's alright" I said. "But those country hicks, they can't win" I said, Dallas walked over. "We need everyone, even you" I said. "Because those assholes beat their girlfriends, hurt their animals, and are down right disgusting" I said. She nodded in agreement. "The police won't do anything" I said, "So we have to, for the greater good!" I yelled. "Yeah" she said the gears turning. "We can't just let them walk all over like they own everything!" I yelled. "Yeah!" She yelled. "SO GO OUT THERE AND SHOVE DALLAS AROUND!" I yelled and she ran, boy did she ever run at him. Took him to the ground. "YES MARY!" I yelled while Laura laughed behind me. "What a beast!" I smiled.

"If Mary can do it you definitely can" I told Laura who was now on her feet. "I don't know Jane" She said. I told Soda I'd take care of Laura, make sure she'd walk away from the fight. "Throwing a punch is one thing, everyone there can do that" She said. "I know, I know I know I know. It's all up in your head, you walk in there like you can kick ass you will kick some ass. That and whatever you do don't panic, that's the worst thing you can do" I told her. "Now square up and hit me"

Come dinner time Soda showed up to see how we'd made out. "You even got Mary" he smiled as Mary beat the shit out of Dall's arm. "How you makin' out babe?" He asked putting his arm around his girl. "Not bad" she said.

"Might need to get them drunk and stoned before we go" I smiled. "Come on Mary, dinner at the Curtis house!" Soda yelled.

The house was busy, loud, everything you'd expect. Soda and Laura were on the couch, Mary was blabbering away to Pony about something he couldn't care less about, Darry was in the kitchen, Dallas and I sat on the other couch arguing over the pronunciation of Halloween.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz