Chapter 25

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One of the worst things about suicide is they what if, and the "if I was...". I think the same applies for running away. There's signs. Sometimes really small signs. Sometimes big. Sometimes you don't see the signs until it's too late.

Curly left last night with Peter and didn't come back. Three hours after we realize it's been over twenty four hours since he left we find a note in the kitchen sink.


I know you're going to be mad, and upset. Try to understand. I'm running away. Not because you suck and treat me like shit. You treated me better than mom and dad ever did, probably raised me better too. I'm leaving because I'm gay. Pete and I are running away from this shindig and going somewhere where there are more people like us. Don't take this the wrong way. I'll be better off where we're going.
Catch you on the flip side, whatever it may be.


That threw Tim over the edge. Tim didn't care that Curly was queer, he was more concerned with where he was going.

"He's fucking sixteen! Where the fuck is he going to go?! What does he think he's doing?!" Tim yelled flipping the dinning room table.
"No Jody! He's sixteen! Sixteen ain't old enough to be traveling cross the country!" Tim yelled livid.

Tim went to the front door and then Jody started.

"Tim Shepard you get away from that fucking door!" Jody screamed as she ran to the entranceway.
"Don't you fucking dare go out that door!" She screamed.
"If you go out that door we're done! Everything is done!" She yelled. She didn't mean they'd break up. If Tim went out that door there was a good chance he wasn't ever coming back.
"Don't fucking do this!" She yelled crying now. Her lips quivered and her body shook.

Tim turned around and saw his girl. For a while no one said anything. Tim moved away from the door and Jody let out a gross sob as she fell to the stairs. Tim went beside her and the didn't move for the rest of the night.

Dallas and I went out. I didn't want to stay inside that night and needed a walk.

"I can't be live the fucker just left" Dallas said shaking his head.
I sympathized with Curly, just a little bit. I left my family when I was sixteen, mind you it wasn't cross country and I still see Danny loads, and I had friends to look after my stupid ass. But I knew where he was coming from, I just didn't know where he was going.

"He's a smart kid. If he's anything like Tim he'll be fine" I sighed.
"We better fucking hope so. I think he's going to New York. It's the only other place he knows for fuck sakes" He said shaking his head.
"I don't what would be in NY for him" He sighed.

"Dallas" I gasped suddenly realizing how stupid we were.
"Jody and Tim. We just left them. Fuck Dallas we left them! They'll be gone by the time we get back!" I yelled as I jerked backwards.

I ran as hard and as fast as my legs would take me back to the house.

Tim would convince Jody to go with him. I'd never see either of them again. Ever. Either they'd spend a long time looking for Curly and then give up in some state and start over, or they'd run the car into a transport truck.

I was almost at the house. I was coming up to property line when the car was pulling out. I tried to chase the car down screaming at the top of my lungs. They sped off into the night, leaving me, leaving Dallas, all behind.

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