Chapter 15

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It's too bad the story didn't end with me in the bar. I wish it did, but that's not the truth. Truth is I was woken up the next morning by two rowdy teenagers running into the house to say hey to Pony who I guess was in the kitchen because that's where they went. They broke the news to Pony that they might be splitting them up but he didn't say much. Two-Bit then so kindly woke me up fully with half a pound of cake in his mouth. "Ise n' ine Erkers" he said. "Do any if you speak idiot?" I asked Steve and Pony making them grin. "I said, rise and shine Checkers" he said. I was still in my work clothes so less work for me. "Pony I'm stealin' your jeans again today, alright?" I asked standing up and taking my hair out. "Alright" he said. "Don't worry too much about it, if they split yous up they'll have me to deal with me" I said screwing up his hair as I walked past to go to the bathroom.

Just as I started to wash my hands Soda barged in to take a shower. "Sure you don't want to double up?" He asked with a cheeky grin. "I would but lord knows what that would do to Ponyboy" I grinned as I put my hair back up. "I can shower at who's ever pad I'm staying at" I added. "You can stay here, we got the rumble tonight too eh, someone needs to play nurse" he said so pleased with himself. "Aren't you funny, you should be a comedian" I said as he hopped in the shower. "I already am!" He yelled over the shower. "Can't you take a cold shower? You're foggin' up the mirror!" I yelled back wiping the mirror. "I ain't freezin' my ass off so you can go play hooker with some boys!" He yelled back and I almost went in the shower to smack him. "For fucks sakes!" I said as I opened the door to let the steam out. "Soda stop usin' all the hot water!" Pony yelled from in the kitchen. "Bite me!" Soda yelled back.

Pony came in beside me to comb his hair back. I was shoving every bobby pin I could find in to my hair to keep it in place. Soda came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Where's my shirt?" He asked walking out into the kitchen. "You need pants too, I think there's a law" Steve said eating more cake. "Well I'm gonna seat here naked in this chair and whatever happens happens" I heard Soda say followed by laughs from Two-Bit and Steve. "Promise me something Pony" I spoke up. "Don't ever be like Soda!" I yelled with a grin. "Well you can be a bit like him I guess, have decency" I said. I knew he was thinking I meant wear pants but honestly I couldn't care less who was wearing pants and who wasn't. If Pony wasn't here I might've even join Soda for the hell of it. "Don't take up all the damn hot water" I said grinning at the look on Pony's face. "And don't be so up tight like Darry, I mean I get he has too, but Tim ain't, but Tim ain't that great either" I said losing the point of what I was saying. That happens a lot to me. I'll start talking about Paul Newman and by the end of it I'll be talking about Canada. "What I'm meanin' to say is don't...don't go be someone you ain't. Ya dig?" I asked. I was thinking of Valance and how it was so clear that Pony had the hots for her. The last thing I wanted was to watch him change for some rich son of a bitch and get his little heart broken. "Yeah, I dig" he said looking at me funny. "Good to have you back kid" I said patting him on the back as I walked out into the living room.

"Why in the devils name are we up so early? We have a late start! It's seven!" I asked once I noticed the time. "Gettin' Darry to drop us off at work, then we're walking over to see the town heroes" Steve said quietly. Pony was supposed to stay home today or some shit like that. I think Two-Bit said something about staying with him. "Soda get clothes on goddammit" Darry said rushing out of his room. "Yeah Soda, you tryin' to get arrested?" I asked grinning. "The only they could ever arrest me for is being too good lookin' " Soda said heading of to find his uniform. "Good one Soda!" Steve laughed. "Wait he wasn't kidding?" He asked making us all laugh. "Hey there pal" Soda said before putting Steve in a headlock. "Rough house later, we gotta go!" Darry yelled at them. They exchanged their affectionate threats with Pony and we all piled in the truck. Soda felt like driving and I felt like going fast so I kicked Steve into the back with Darry. I rolled my window down and Soda sped off at seven fifteen in the morning. I had the music blasting but Darry told me Soda's driving was loud enough.

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