Chapter 14

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I got over Dallas leaving without us. It didn't take long. Shortly after he left cars started to roll in and work needed to be done. Things went back to normal. It was as if Pony and Johnny weren't in a hick town and didn't kill anyone. But then Valance showed up and reality came back. "What do you want Valance?" I asked wiping my hands clean on a rag. Soda and Steve were in the shop getting lunch while I finished up a car. "They told me-" "Who told you?" I cut in before she finished. "Tim Shepard" She said. I could tell he gave her a hard time. The kind of hard time Dallas gave her. It was written all over her face with anger and disgust. I couldn't help but grin. "And what'd old Timmy tell you?" I asked leaning against the car. "You'd know where Dallas Winston and the Curtis gang was" She said. Curtis gang. Oh how they'd laugh at that. "None of them are here right now can I take a message?" I asked like the people at reception desks in big important buildings. Whenever I called for my parents that's the message I would get 'sorry, not here right now' or 'sorry, in a meeting can I take a message?' Oh how it pissed me off.

"No girls can fight, and it's tomorrow night. That's all I have for now" she said. "They're lucky I ain't allowed in" I said grimly. "I'll pass the message on, now scurry off before your new millionaire boyfriend sees you" I said waving her off the way my parents did to me. "What's wrong with you? Have you never lost someone close to you? Do you not know how that feels?!" She asked. I see she wasn't having it. I'm betting Tim pulled that card on her already. "I lost my entire family. They didn't die, they decided they didn't want me anymore" I said standing up straight. She started to say she was sorry but I wasn't done yet. "Do you know what it's like to be left? Unwanted by your own parents? No you don't because you stupid richest riches don't know jack shit!" I yelled. "So sweetheart, I can shit talk all I want, because I know a worse feeling than that" I said. By now she was almost out of the shop. "I'll pass on your stupid message, now get the fuck out of here" I dismissed. She opened her mouth to say something. Closed it, thought for a moment then said "we aren't all bad" and that's when I knew that little shit Pony had been telling her shit. "Well sweetheart I am. I'm not going to tell you again" I threatened and she left this time.

"Whoa there Rosy you're lookin' like you're 'bout to go on a killin' spree" Steve said handing me a sandwich. "What happened to you?" Soda asked in his go lucky voice. "Must be comin' down with something, got a little hot" I lied watching Valance walk down the street. "Valance stopped by with some rules for the rumble" I said. "No girls, we all knew that, and it's tomorrow night. I reckon she mentioned the no girls just for me" I grinned before taking a bit of my sandwich.

"And you know who I ain't seen in a while?" I asked a sudden smile on my face when I saw a kid in a Mickey shirt. "Old Two-Bit Mathews!" I hollered as he walked into the shop. "The man. The myth. The legend! How ya been?" I asked him as he bowed at my announcement. "I'm doing dandy, and you Miss I Ain't Never Around?" He asked in his laid back voice. I think everybody needs a Two-Bit. He makes the day better, always got a joke to crack, and he just gives off a good vibe. "A little beaten up but not bad" I said showing my wrists. "What happened?" He asked. "Yeah what happened?" Steve seconded. "Dixon got us dragged in that one day, gave him a talkin' to later that night, the kid is nothin' but fat" I said shaking my head. "You gave him a helluva talkin' to" Two-Bit said approvingly. "Y'all should come out for a drink tonight" He offered. "I could go for a drink" I said. "Mary was wantin' to hangout again, Laura and Evie are headin' out too" He added. Mary, Kat, Laura and Evie usually hung out while Jody and I hung out with the boys. It was kinda like how I'm usually with Tim, Dallas and Jody, Or with Steve and Soda. I don't know, all I know is I have at least decent enough relationship with all those people that if I said I killed a man they'd come help hide the body.

"Yeah man, we ain't got work till late tomorrow" Steve said. By late he meant eight start. And besides it wasn't like we were going to get wasted. "It's set then, we're goin' to the Irish pub, the only place that likes us" Two-Bit smiled and we all laughed. Yeah not too many places liked us anymore. Two-Bit left after he stole a Coke from the store leaving me and the boys to finish up work then we'd head over to Steve's house. I haven't been around to seeing his mom too much lately. I haven't been around to seeing much of anyone. I ought to throw a party at the lot sometime.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now