Chapter 12

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"Soda what're you doin' here?" I asked as I got out of the car. "Dallas called and said you wouldn't be for a couple a days, course he didn't say why" Soda said glaring at Dallas as he got up off the step. "So I came to check, don't worry I kept my mouth shut" He said. "If it ain't Soda Curtis!" Tim said happily. "How've you been?" He asked giving Soda a buddy handshake. "Not to bad, what about you Tim Shepard?" Soda asked shaking his hand just the same. "Piss drunk but don't bad" Tim said with a wild grin. "Nice seein' ya" he smiled then made his way into his house. Curly gave Soda a scan then followed his disappointment of a brother with a face of sheer despair.

"Nice seein' you again Pepsi" Jody nodded as she followed the Shepards. "You too Jod" Soda sighed. "Please, feel free to explain" He said unimpressed as he turned his attention to us. "Broke my nose, did a little damage to my wrists...passed out from over working" I said quietly as I looked up at the roof of the house. Tim ought to fix that.

"Well, I'm sure Mr. Simmons will let it go, if you need anything give a holler I guess" He said. "I'm sorry we worried you" I said. "Worry? Me? Checkers do you know me?" He laughed, but stopped when we didn't laugh with him. "Don't be strangers eh" he said defeated. "We won't, see you around Soda" Dallas said sending Soda off on his way.

The next day Dallas made me stay in for the day at the Shepard house. He stayed with me while the rest of them tended to their life's and reputations. Tim sobered up and went out to fix the roof.

"You know Dallas you could come help me" Tim said as he walked through the door. "I could, but I'm not going to" he said laying beside me on the couch. The phone rang and we all stiffened a little. "Hello?" Tim answered as Dallas and I sat up. "The one and only" He said pouring a glass of water. Dallas and I walked into the kitchen hesitantly. "Did he? What a juvenile delinquent, I wonder where he gets it from" Tim lipped off to, I'm gonna guess the cops. "Well that's unfortunate" He said. By now we guessed Curly got shipped off. "Oh is she?" He asked with a face of surprise. "Oh and she said to call me, I'm touched" he grinned leaning against the counter top. "Yes, all very interestin', and she'll be out when?" He asked getting bored of the conversation. "See you in two days" he said then hung up.

"Curly's shipped off for six, and Jody's in the cells for two days" He sighed as he looked at the clock. "Better finish that roof up or it'll never get done" He sighed. "Got another pair of gloves?" Dallas asked despite his previous statement. "You bet" Tim grinned.

Fast forward two of the longest days of my life, and we're on our way to pick up Jody. I hadn't really thought much about Pony and Johnny, because I knew if I did odds are I'd be breaking the docs orders.

Dallas sat in the back with Tim and shot the shit. Tim was teasing him about the ride. "Dallas Winston talks more shit than his horse shits" Tim laughed. Dallas was getting particularly cocky about his ride tonight. "Tim, were you born on a highway?" Dallas asked in a very concerned tone. "Why the fuck would I be born on a highway?" Tim asked with a frown. "Well, that's where most accidents happen so-" "you shut your mouth Dallas Winston" Tim hollered while Dallas and I laughed.

"Can you idiots stay here without doing something stupid?" I asked them as I parked across the street from the cop shop. "Kinda hard to do something stupid when you're taking all the stupid with you, ain't it Dally?" Tim grinned. "Pretty damn hard" Dallas agreed grinning from ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and went to get Jody.

I put my sunglasses on as I crossed the street to the shop. The cops that were sitting outside eating their lunches gave me dirty looks that only cops could give you. I shoved the door open and it made a thud sound when it hit its hinges.

I went up to the front desk and leaned on it so my face was a few inches away from the cops "Tell Jody Mackey her ride is here" I told the cop working the front desk. It was a newbie, I could tell by the fear in their eyes when they looked up from their papers. "Have a seat, she'll be right out" they said quickly as they shoved their chair back. "Thanks doll" I grinned as I went to stand by the entrance.

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