Chapter 22

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I was at the Curtis house. I tried man. I tried really hard not to snap on Mare for Soda, for Darry. I tried harder than I have any other time Soda asked me not to snap on someone, but that little shit can't keep his backstabbing mouth shut for five fucking minutes.

"Well Mare let's see you and your Socs girl huh!" I yelled at him. "Why hate yourself Jane?" He asked and I swear to god the only reason he's still breathing is because Soda is behind me. "That's all you do Mare, talk. You couldn't walk the walk even if you tried!" I yelled at him. "How the hell can you still look at a Socs and not hate them Mare? How can you look at your stupid girl Valance and not think about Johnny?!" I yelled. "Because if it wasn't for her stupid boyfriend he'd still be here!" I yelled. "You know what? I take that back" I said. "Jane don't" Soda said but I wasn't listening. "If it was for you he'd still be here. If you would've take that hit like the rest of us would've and listened to what your fucking brother had to say Johnny'd still be here. But because you're a little bitch that's scared of their own shadow Johnny is gone!" I yelled at him.

He threw a punch and without thinking I took his arm and pulled it behind his back. "You never learn you fucking idiot" I said pulling it back harder. "Jane, knock it the fuck off!" Soda yelled. I let Mare go with a rough shove and went out the door.

"Jane!" Darry called. "What's up Darrel?" I asked as I reached the gate. "Come here" he said. "Go talk to your bitch brother, he's your brother" I said unlocking the gate. "That's why Soda's in there and I'm out here" He said and I stopped. Soda always was more understanding when it came to Ponyboy. With the rest of us it was pretty easy, we gave no fucks therefor there was nothing to talk about.

"Soda's better with him just like I can talk to you like I do Soda, straight up no sugar" He said. "Shoot Darry, no need to flatter me" I said sarcastically as I turned back to him. "Well what do you have to say Darry? Touch him again I die? You'll have to get in line for that" I said. Dallas would've laughed at that.

"I get we're all a little strung out okay. He's turning into his own hood, lord help us. I get he gets under your skin, trust me I know. Patience Jane, that's what he needs" Darry said calmly. "What he needs is s knuckle-sandwich I will gladly serve" I said. "Try Jane, just try" He said. "I did! And that fucker thinks he can shoot with no kick back!" I yelled. "Then give him kick back, just don't kill him" Darry said. "No promises" I said grim.

"Soda'll give you a ride to where ever you're going, just come inside is cold" Darry said. "If he starts up-"
"Then talk the talk, don't throw punches" Darry said. We all knew Pony was changing for the worst. He wasn't Pony anymore, he was turning into a hood.

"Back for more?" Was the first thing I heard when I stepped in the door. "I'm waiting for your brother to finish fixing the princesses boo boos" I said grim. "You know what Pony, you wouldn't last a day without any of us on the streets" I said waiting for the real Princess to get ready. "Listen Socs-"
"You like Socs, you're fucking one. Or are you? Can you even get some? You tellin' me you like me? What a turn of events" I said. "Out the door Jane" Soda said pushing me out the door.

"All I'm asking is one hit to his face, I'll make it count. Knock some sense in to him" I told soda in the truck. "Listen Jane, Christmas is like five days way. Just try to not kill him okay?" Soda asked. "You know what's sooner? That rumble, tomorrow night, the snow will be red with hick blood!" I said trying to change the subject but Soda wouldn't take it. "Jane" he said again. "Yeah yeah" I said looking out the window.

"We meeting here tomorrow night?" Soda asked as I got out of the truck. "Yeah, see you tomorrow" I said.

I took one step into the house and Curly was shoving me back out the door with Jody close behind. "What happened?!" I asked as they shoved me on to the driveway. "Tim and Dallas are having a go at it, like a go go at it, a dinning room chair went flying" Curly said. "So what you're going to wait in the cold?" I asked. "Well we'd be upstairs but they're in front of the stairs. I'd like to keep my head thank you" Jody said. "What are they fighting about?" I asked. "I don't know, Dallas hit below the belt and then Tim hit back. It was verbal ping pong but then Tim grabbed a Coke can and threw it at Dallas and it escalated to a chair" Curly said. "Well we aren't sitting outside and singing Kumbiya" I said going to the door.

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