Chapter 11

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Our night was far from over after we blew most of our money on the greasy diner food. We had money to make up seeing as Dallas wouldn't be riding until Friday, a good three days from now and I get paid on Sundays. Aside from money, Dixon and I needed to have a little chat. Rumor has it he'll be at Tim's alley party.

"Two birds one stone" I explained to Dallas.
"I give Dicky a nice talking too and we make some dough" I said proud of my plan.
"Alright sweetheart, you lose and we're toast" he said as we walked to the alley.

"Timmy!" I said throwing my arms up when we saw him.
"Dixon here?" I asked in a go lucky voice.
"Yes ma'am, I knew you'd want a crack at him, I'll get him next week" Tim said. It's Dixon's fault Tim and I got dragged in. Dallas hangs around the boys more than I do, and I don't think Tim even knows them.

Down at the end of the dead end alley Patrick Dixon stood with a drink in his hand laughing with some buddies. As I made my way over I took some kids can of cheap beer. I chugged it down and threw it behind my shoulder. I had swagger in my walk, everyone cleared the way. When Dixon saw me his face dropped along with his can.

"What a waste of beer Dicky" I said as I approached him.
"Ladies and gentlemen, whores and douchebags!" Dallas yelled as he jumped on to a crate. The crowd went silent.
"Tonight, Patty Dicky goes up against Janet Reed for a suckers crime. The crime of blowing someone's cover" Dallas said. There were gasps and whispers while I took my jacket off and gave it to Tim.

"Get him Rosy, get him good" he said his reckless grin plastered on his face.
"Jane and I as you know, are buddies with the little murderers in town, and Patty here threw her under the bus along with countless others!" Dally yelled. Right now Two-Bit was getting ready to go to Texas as we spoke.

"I'm taking bets now" he said and the crowd started to yell out numbers. There's were tens, and twentys, even a fifty. Patty was a fair bit bigger than me. Almost double but he was a coward and I'll be dammed if I let him get away with it.

"Let's go Patty" I taunted.
"Or are you too chicken? Gonna throw me under the bus again? Like a coward?" I smirked as I danced around him with my hands up.

In this town it didn't matter who you were, you picked a fight and it was coming to you. Girls got in fights with guys all the time. This wasn't one of those "oh she's a girl I don't want to hit her" moments. Dixon has a long history of hitting girls, especially his girlfriend.

I made a bunch of chicken noises at him and the crowd laughed.

"P-P-P-Pussy!" I laughed at him. "Oh well folks, looks like the beluga whale isn't up for it" I sighed.
"Don't matter, probably too slow anyways" I said and they all laughed.
"Why am I different from your girlfriends?" I asked.

That did it. He took a swing at me, knocked me backwards too. I wiped the blood from my nose away, looked him dead in the eye and laughed. His face went white like cream. He knew he was fucked now.

I cocked my right arm back and smashed him in the jaw. I got lost in the fight. Everything I kept bottled up came out and got me almost knocked out a few times. As to what happened, well I kicked his sorry ass after, like I said, I almost got knocked out a few times. He was a pile of bloody limbs when I got up from the ground. The crowd cheered. Dallas and I made some good money. And then the night got even better.

"Hey Winston!" No one other then Lee Morison himself hollered.
"Lee baby, you still shit in bed?" I asked with a smirk.
"Nice to see you too Jane" He said. "We have a score to even" he told Dallas.
"Ladies and gents! I'm not mean so I won't call you all whores and douchebags" I said as the all laughed. I hopped up on to the crate.
"Lee Morrison, is pissed at Dallas Winston- let's be honest who isn't?" I asked. They laughed even harder.
"I'm not sure why, but who cares another fight am I right?!" I yelled waving my arms for a cheer, which I got.
"I'm taking bets now" I smiled. As people ran and yelled.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα