Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I knew what this was. I had done it a few times, had it done to me a few times too. I don't know what I expected. One of us was gonna leave, it all came down to who got up first.

I rolled out of bed and threw on my clothes. I left my jacket at Soda's and conveniently enough Dallas forgot his. I stared at it before I put it on and walked out the door. It was about three sizes to big and the sleeves were just too big. He took seventy five bucks out of the one hundred and fifty leaving me with half. I got some good breakfast from the diner on Queens it being the only on I liked to go to. I debated on wether or not to go see if I could find Dallas, but decided not to. He's probably gone after Morgans, or jailed, or riding a horse. Who knows? Why would I care?

I took Pony and Johnny to the movies, and dicked around outside. I yelled at a bunch of kids, the same ones I see almost everyday.

"I thought you were the nice one!" A kid yelled as they ran.
"Well you thought wrong!" I yelled after them.

"Hey where is the mean one?" Pony asked.
"I dunno, haven't see him all day" I said.
"Huh, maybe we'll run into him" Johnny shrugged as we made our way to Pony's house.

Soda and Darry were home when we got there. Soda was watching the TV and Darry was fixing the sink.

"You broke it again?" I asked Pony. "It wasn't my fault!" He yelped. "It's Steve droppin' Popsicle sticks down the damn drain!" Darry scowled.
"Where's Dally?" Soda asked. "Haven't see him all day" I said bluntly as I sat down.
"What happened last night? Pony said you left pretty quick after him" Darry said from under the sink.
"Nothing happened, he went to go find a fight that's all" I said. I wasn't really lying. That is what Dallas went to do, it just happened to be Dan, and other events happened after that.

"He find one?" Soda asked.
"Nah, sent him off to Tim's" Now that was a lie.

"Morgans out yet?" I asked.
"Not yet, will be soon though" Darry said distraught.
"It'll be fine, Dallas'll get 'em, or someone will" I reassured.
"Now we all know that ain't true" and it wasn't. Dallas was pretty pissed at that Morgans guy, would probably kill him, get the chair, who knows. But why would I care?

I went out and threw the ball around with Pony and Johnny. Soda got off his ass and came out too. My aim was shit, and I had the worst case of butterfingers I had ever had.

"Ain't that Dall's jacket?" Soda asked now aware.
"Long story" I said throwing and missing yet again.

I couldn't sleep that night at Buck's, or any night for two weeks. I drank a little more that I usually did to try and help go to bed but it never did much good. When three weeks rolled around I was a little iffy as to wether or not Dallas was alright. I was walking down the street to the store and my hands got cold. I stuck them in Dallas's jacket pocket and left something that shouldn't be there. My heart sank a little when I felt his switchblade in his pocket. A hood without a switchblade is as good as dead. I broke out in a run to my best bet of finding out where he was and what the hell he was doing. He wouldn't just leave it. Unless he forgot it in a rush.

"Tim!" I yelled as I knocked on the door of a large old run down house.
"Tim Shepard you open this damn door I know you're in there!" I yelled again. I was about to yell again when he opened the door.

"Where is he?" I asked sounding more desperate than I meant to.

He looked past me before letting me in his house. I sat down at the table in the bare kitchen and asked again.
"Where is he?"
"I don't know"
"You're lyin' don't lie to me Tim" I said giving him a stern look.
"Do you know where he is? You don't have to tell me where" I said leaning forward in my chair.
"I know where, you gotta understand Rosy, he asked me not to tell, I can't just snitch him out" Tim said.
"I get it" I sighed.

West Side Born, East Side Raised- Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now